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What is MAGI?

How to use it?

Demo at:

To use MAGI, simply type in description of the package you are looking for. The more detailed your description is, the more accurate the result will be.


You can find the tuned model at Current version of corpus is located at

Ubuntu is recommended to deploy MAGI. Other Linux distributions & Windows should also work (not tested though). To deploy the streamlit dashboard, first set in the terminal:


Then use requirements.txt to install the requirements:

pip install -r requirements.txt


The development enviroment is installed via:

pip install -r requirements_dev.txt

Which includes PyTorch, transformers and other DL-related packages. We list some useful commands during development here.


python3 --train True --corpus default --batch_size 16 --benchmark True --benchmark_file ./datafile/queries.txt --inspection False

By setting corpus='default', we use the default data pulled according to the list You may also set this parameter as a valid .json file.

Benchmark only:

python3 --corpus default --train False --benchmark_file ./datafile/queries.txt --embedding_file ./datafile/msmarco-distilbert-base-dot-prod-v3_ghv7.pkl

Inspect only:

python3 --corpus default --train False --load_from Enoch2090/MAGI --benchmark False --inspection True --benchmark_file ./datafile/queries.txt

This mode is used to inspect the efficiency of models via the mAP metric, given the query file ./datafile/queries.txt.

Cache only:

python3 --corpus "[\"python-latest\",\"javascript-latest\",\"cpp-latest\",\"rust-latest\",\"go-latest\"]" --langs [Python,JavaScript,\"C++\",Rust,Go] --train False --load_from Enoch2090/MAGI --benchmark False --inspection False --cache True --cache_loc ./datafile/MAGI_ghv10.pkl

Or the defaults

python3 --train False --load_from Enoch2090/MAGI --benchmark False --inspection False --cache True --cache_loc ./datafile/MAGI_ghv10.pkl

This mode is used when training is complete. Use this mode to convert the database into embeddings and cache into a .pkl file.

Streamlit interface:

streamlit run --server.port 6006

This script provides a simple user interface via Streamlit. Not intended for production.

Data Inspection:

streamlit run --server.port 6006

This script uses fuzzy search to match exact repo names, allowing developers to check whether an exact repo is in the database, and to inspect the raw data of that repo.

Model Design Choices

Current architecture:

  • Chunkify corpus in each repository to 512 words chunks (dataset.GitHubCorpusRawTextDataset).
  • Use T5 model to generate synthetic queries on the first few chunks of each repository. The underlying idea is that the first few chunks in each repository should have more introductions on its use. Note that in the __init__ method of dataset.GitHubCorpusRawTextDataset, the parameter keys_used defaults to ['hn_comments', 'readme']. Corpus value stored in these keys are merged into one single string first before the chunk process, therefore if any HackerNews comments exist, they will appear before the GitHub README as I identify them as more valuable corpus. This design may be changed if other choices yields better results.
  • After the synthetic queries are generated (dataset.generate_finetune_data), train on the (corpus, query) tuples to finetune the Sentence Transformer.
  • Use the finetuned transformer to encode the database into embeddings. In indexers.cache_embeddings, you may find that currently only the first 4 chunks for each repository is cached into embeddings. That means for each repo, it has an embedding of the shape (n, 768) where n is 1, 2, 3 or 4.
  • Use the finetuned transformer to encode query. In indexers.MagiIndexer, the encoded query is compared with stored embeddings for the selected programming language.

Future Works:

  • Identify in each repo which chunks are more valuable to keep, instead of brutely keeping the first few.
  • Use StackOverFlow API and HackerNews API to mine query-result pairs.
  • Use the previous result, curate a list of query-result pairs for each language as benchmark standard. We only have Python at the moment, and the number of queries is small.
  • Use the previous result, introduce the query-result pairs in the training process to further finetune the model.

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