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🎁 Solana Validator Trial Campaign

solv, in partnership with Latitude, is offering a $100 coupon 🎉

By utilizing this coupon, you can obtain $100 in free credits when setting up a Solana validator using solv.

Please add the following coupon code from the admin panel 👷‍♀️

​【$100 Coupon Code: ELSOUL100】

🖥️ Bare Metal Server -

📘 How to launch a Solana Validator node using solv:

  • ① Install
  • ② Update Settings
  • ③ Setup Complete

solv2 installation command:

EpicsDAO Discord channel:

🔴 YouTube Video

📖 Server Spec

Tested on the following servers:

Metal server: c3.large.x86

  • 24 Cores
  • 2.8 5GHz
  • 256GB RAM
  • 2 x 1.9TB NVME

Server OS:

  • Linux Ubuntu 20.04 TS
  • Linux Ubuntu 22.04 TS

🖥️ Solana Validator Setup

$ sh -c "$(curl -sSfL "")"
$ cd ~ && source ~/.profile
$ solv setup


Start Solana Validator

$ solv start

Stop Solana Validator

$ solv stop

Restart Solana Validator

$ solv restart

Default command is --no-incremental-snapshots.

If you want to download snapshot, you can use the following command.

$ solv restart --snapshot

This command will automatically remove --no-incremental-snapshots and add --no-genesis-fetch, --no-snapshot-fetch to command.

Solana Validator Status

$ solv status

Solana Validator Logs

$ solv log

Show Solana Validator Config

This command will show your all config paths which are used by solana validator.

$ solv config

Solana Delegation Program

solv CLI

$ solv --help
Usage: solv [options] [command]

CLI for Solana Validators

  -V, --version                         output the version number
  -h, --help                            display help for command

  solv                                  Show Solv AA
  epoch                                 Get Current Epoch
  slot                                  Get Current Slot
  config|c                              Show Solv Validator Config
  status                                Show Solana Validator Status
  start                                 Start Solana Validator
  restart [options]                     Restart Solana Validator
  stop                                  Stop Solana Validator
  check                                 Check Solana Validator Environment
  install|i [options]                   Solana Install/Update Command
  mt [options]                          Linux Mount Command
  umt [options]                         Solana Umount Command
  mtr                                   Mount Reload Command
  setup [options]                       Setup Solana Validator All-in-One
  df                                    Disk Free Command
  lsblk|ls                              Solana Disk Usage Command
  stake [options] <stakeAccountPubkey>  Solana Delegate Stake Command
  update|u [options]                    Solana Version Update, Restart and Monitoring Delinquent Stake
  log|l [options]                       tail logs
  help [command]                        display help for command


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The package is available as open source under the terms of the Apache-2.0 License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the SKEET project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.