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Stef Pletinck edited this page Feb 28, 2018 · 2 revisions

So, you have your EpPOS instance up and running and you are logged in. What now?

The Admin page

Click on the Admin link in the black top bar of EpPOS. If you are on mobile, the link is in the hamburger menu.

A screenshot of the admin start page This is what you should see.

In the top bar, you can see options to change your own password, go back to the main POS section, or log out completely. Below that, you have two sections, Authentication and Authorization and POS.

Authentication and Authorization

In this section, you can add and modify Users and Groups. You can give Users certain permissions from a list, or add a Group with some permissions and add Users to that group. All permissions that start with pos| are required to make a user able to actually handle orders.


This section allows you to do one of three things:

  • View and edit your current theoretical amount of cash, under Cashs
  • View, add and edit your Products
  • View (and if you know what you are doing, add and edit) your past and current Orders

Since this is your first time running, you can add your products by clicking the plus sign next to Products. When you are done, you might consider adding another user. It is not necessary though.

Alright, you are ready. Click the View Site link to go back to the order interface!

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