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CalypsoAPI is a .NET library used to access data of Zeiss© measuring machines using Calypso software. The library must be executed on the computer running CALYPSO in order to access the data.

The data is available as events, public properties which implement INotifyPropertyChanged or WebApi.


  • Read machine state (Running, Paused, Stopped, Finished, Error)
  • Read current measurement plan data
  • Read measurement results
  • WebApi

Planned Features

  • Read current stylus and probe
  • Remote start, pause or stop machine
  • Read stylus database
  • Release NuGet
  • Local WPF client
  • Add Mqqt client
  • Add OPC client/server

Available Properties

Current Measurement Plan

Property Explanation
.FileName Path of the measuring plan
.PartNumber Current part number
.Speed Measuring speed
.Date Date when measuring started
.Time Time when measuring started
.OperatorId Id of the operator
.RunMode Run mode of measuring plan
.BaseSystemName Name of current basesytem

Current Measurement (MeasurementInfo)

Property Explanation
.ToleranceState Is the current measurement in tolerance
.HdrPath hdt.txt Resultfile path
.FetPath fet.txt Resultfile path
.ChrPath hdr.txt Resultfile path

Current Results (MeasurementResults)

Property Explanation
.ChrFile Raw chr.txt file content
.Measurements List of Measurement objects including Nomina, Actual, Tolerance, etc.
.ChrTable DataTable with chr file contents


// Build new api
var calypso = new CalypsoBuilder()
                .Configure(config => { config.CMMObserverFolderPath = @"C:/Users/Public/Documents/Zeiss/CMMObserver"; })
                .AddWebApi(webHostBuilder => { webHostBuilder.UseUrls("http://localhost:5000"); })                                        

// Bind events
calypso.MeasurementStarted += Calypso_MeasurementStarted;
calypso.MeasurementFinished += Calypso_MeasurementFinished;
calypso.CalypsoException += Calypso_CalypsoException;

// Start
await calypso.StartAsync();