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The manga description panel

Eris Loona edited this page Jun 6, 2024 · 1 revision

The manga description panel

This is the panel on the right which appears once a manga from the list has been selected. A manga being selected is what triggers the panel to appear, and populate its fields.

All the attributes are taken from the program's library database, with the exception of the cover image. This is obtained dynamically at runtime, which is why the program tests whether the manga file still exists or not. For .epub files, the program will try to find the cover in the root of the archive, and in /OEBPS/OEBPS/ and look for an image file of any type with the name cover.*. Once it finds it, it is extracted and displayed. Should that fail for any reason, the program will instead display a placeholder error image:

If a manga's Link field is empty, the program will try and get it by sending a request to the MangaDex /manga API endpoint to search for the manga by its title. All the results are added to the link ComboBox and the first entry is selected. The user can select a different entry or paste in a link of their own.
From the API call, the program will get all the manga's associated data:

  • The ongoing status - "ongoing" and "hiatus" are considered as ongoing, "completed" and "cancelled" are not
  • The mangas's "genre" and "theme" tags
  • The content rating

These are all then stored in the program's library.

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