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The settings

Eris Loona edited this page Jun 18, 2024 · 3 revisions

The settings form is minimal and only offers three actual settings.

The preferred language

This is a ComboBox which allows the users to select the preferred language to search the API for. The program defaults to English.
The language can be a bit finnicky. Please keep in mind the following custom language entries that are defined by MangaDex, and select these for these cases, not the other, generic entry if it exists (I tried to cull them, but I admittedly never read through the entire list myself):

Language Lang. Code
Simplified Chinese zh
Traditional Chinese zh-hk
Brazilian Portugese pt-br
Castilian Spanish es
Latin American Spanish es-la
Romanized Japanese ja-ro
Romanized Korean ko-ro
Romanized Chinese zh-ro

If you have issues with downloading a manga that you know should be available in the selected language, please let me know and I will take it on a case-by-case basis.

Show warning CheckBox

This allows the user to disable the warning that appears every time they select an entry for which the file no longer exists.

Check for updates CheckBox

This allows the user to enable or disable checking for updates. The program checks for a new version every time it's started, by checking the GitHub API for the latest release tag, which it then compares to the local version.

Import Library

If the program fails to save the library for any reason, it will offer all the library data to the user. That data can later be used to import the Library. Similarly a user can just get that data directly from the .json file the program generates, specifically the content (as an array, so copy the [] as well) of the "Library" node.

There is also a Donate button that opens the link to my ko-fi in your browser.

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