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Four APIs were genereted:

GET /characters: Get characters from SWAPI api, accepts queryStrings: search and page.

GET /characters/:id: Get a single character from SWAPI api.

GET /charactersdb: Retrieve list of characters from DynamoDB.

POST /characters: Create a character in DynamoDB.


  - serverless-auto-swagger
  - serverless-offline
  - serverless-esbuild 
  - serverless-stage-manager 
  - serverless-deployment-bucket


To install all dependencies, run the following command:

npm install 


To test your service without deploying, you can use the command:

npm run dev 

NOTE: DynamoDB Local is not yet implemented, so you can only try all lambda functions that do not require Dynamo.


To deploy your service, you can use the following command:

npm run deploy 
# or
serverless deploy
# or
serverless deploy --stage develop --aws-profile profile1

NOTE: Do not forget to configure your AWS credentials before deploying.

NOTE: The tests will run automatically during deployment.

Deploy Result NOTE: Once the deployment is completed, in addition to the endpoints of the lambda functions, you will also obtain the endpoint of the Swagger UI.

Swagger UI

Swagger UI NOTE: It's possible that the UI may take a little longer to become available after being deployed. Please take this into consideration if you encounter a Missing Authentication Token message.


If you want to remove your service, run the following command:

npm run remove