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Garry's Mod library: rooms & buildings management (locations, voice reach management, jump prevention)


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Rooms location management library

This add-on is a library that lets you configure building bounds and their room bounds.

It provides functions to:

  • get the current building & room of any Player or Entity
  • check if a room has all of its doors closed

The configured rooms can have:

  • a full voice volume everywhere
  • no voices heard from outside the room when all doors are closed
  • disallowed jump

This add-on on Steam Workshop


There is no gamemode requirement.

The voice range replacement feature should work on all gamemodes that do not do special things. There are a few things to know:

  • The DarkRP mechanism is hacked in order to make the replacement fully operational.
  • The DarkRP shows who can hear who, but clients do not know whether doors are open of closed!
    • I picked the safest display: you are the talker and the listener cannot hear you when the room's doors are closed. The listener will not be listed in the listeners list because your game does not know door states.

Setting up

Toolgun tool

To help you through the process of getting bounding boxes, there is a Sandbox toolgun tool under the Rooms category named Rooms Areas.

For a building or a room, you proceed by attacking the walls, the ceiling and the floor. If you cannot attack indoor surfaces, attack the corresponding outdoor surfaces. Every time you attack a surface, the bounding box is extended.

When you are done with a building or a room, the tool generates room:addArea() Lua instructions, which you can edit into building:setBuildingBounds() instructions.

Configuration files

For every configured map, you need to make a Lua file in lua/config/rooms_lib_mr/maps/. Name it MAP_NAME.lua where MAP_NAME is the name of the map, as in MAP_NAME.bsp.

Public object methods

Class rooms_lib_mr.Building

  • 🖤 SHARED: no value Building:addLightArea(int areaId, Vector min, Vector max)
    (usage not recommended)
  • 🖤 SHARED: Room Building:addRoom(string name, boolean handleVoice, table lights, any lightArea)
    Adds a Room to the building
    • name: the name of the building
    • handleVoice: activate the voice range management
    • lights: (usage not recommended)
    • lightArea: (usage not recommended), allowed types: int & table of int
  • 🖤 SHARED: table Building:getBuildingBounds()
    Returns a table of 2 values: {Vector min, Vector max}
    The returned value is not a copy!
  • 🖤 SHARED: int Building:getId()
    Returns the index of the building
    The value is identical on the server and the client, so it can be used for networking.
  • 🖤 SHARED: string Building:getName()
    Returns the name of the building
  • 🖤 SHARED: table Building:getRooms()
    See rooms_lib_mr.getRooms()
  • 🖤 SHARED: no value Building:setBuildingBounds(Vector min, Vector max)
    Sets the bounding box of the building

Class rooms_lib_mr.Room

  • 🖤 SHARED: no value Room:addArea(Vector min, Vector max)
    Adds a bounding box to the room
    Room bounding boxes is not required to be within the Building bounding box.
    Usually a room only has 1 bounding box.
    A room can have as many bounding boxes are necessary.
  • 🖤 SHARED: Building Room:getBuilding()
    Returns the Building this room belongs to
  • 🖤 SHARED: string Room:getBuildingName()
    Returns the name of the Building this room belongs to
  • 🖤 SHARED: int Room:getId()
    Returns the index of the room
    The value is identical on the server and the client, so it can be used for networking.
  • 🖤 SHARED: string Room:getName()
    Returns the name of the room
  • 💙 SERVER: boolean Room:hasOpenDoors()
    Returns true if at least 1 door is open or missing, otherwise false
    Returns true if doors are undefined
  • 🖤 SHARED: boolean Room:isInRoom(any arg)
    Returns if arg is located in the room
    arg can be of the following types: Player, Entity, Vector.
  • 🖤 SHARED: no value Room:setDoors(table doors)
    Sets the doors of the room
    doors is a list of elements of the following type: DoorByHammerid (see below), int (MapCreationIDs), Entity (usually for doors created by Lua code).

Class rooms_lib_mr.DoorByHammerid

This class is a wrapper around the door Entity, so Entity methods can be used on it.

It is meant to be used in your configuration file.

Unlike the MapCreationID, the hammerid do not change when modifying a map.

  • 🖤 SHARED: DoorByHammerid DoorByHammerid(int hammerid)
  • 💙 SERVER: Entity DoorByHammerid:getEntity()
    Returns the door Entity

Public functions

  • 🖤 SHARED: Building rooms_lib_mr.addBuilding(string name)
    Creates a new building
  • 🖤 SHARED: no value rooms_lib_mr.addForbiddenJumpLocation(any roomOrBuilding)
    Adds a room or a building into locations with forbidden jump
    roomOrBuilding can be a Building or a Room.
  • 🖤 SHARED: Building, string rooms_lib_mr.getBuilding(any arg)
    Returns the building and the building name of the location of arg
    This function ignores room bounding boxes, so it is faster than rooms_lib_mr.getRoom().
    If a no building matches, all 2 returned values are nil.
    arg can be of the following types: Player, Entity, Vector.
  • 🖤 SHARED: Building rooms_lib_mr.getBuildingFromId(int id)
    Returns the building with the specified index
  • 🖤 SHARED: Building rooms_lib_mr.getBuildingFromName(string name)
    Returns the building with the specified name
  • 🖤 SHARED: Building rooms_lib_mr.getBuildingFromRoom(Room room)
    See Room:getBuilding()
  • 🖤 SHARED: string rooms_lib_mr.getBuildingNameFromRoom(Room room)
    See Room:getBuildingName()
  • 🖤 SHARED: table rooms_lib_mr.getBuildings()
    Returns a copy of the list of buildings, with index used as table keys
  • 🖤 SHARED: int rooms_lib_mr.getIdFromBuilding()
    See Building:getId()
  • 🖤 SHARED: int rooms_lib_mr.getIdFromRoom(Room room)
    See Room:getId()
  • 🖤 SHARED: string rooms_lib_mr.getFullRoomLabel(string building_name, string room_name)
    Returns the concatenation of building_name, " - " and room_name, if all arguments are non-empty strings
    Returns building_name or room_name if only 1 argument is non-empty strings
    Returns "Unknown location" otherwise
  • 🖤 SHARED: int, Building, string rooms_lib_mr.getLightArea(any arg)
    (usage not recommended)
    arg can be of the following types: Player, Entity, Vector.
  • 🖤 SHARED: string rooms_lib_mr.getNameFromBuilding()
    See Building:getName()
  • 🖤 SHARED: string rooms_lib_mr.getNameFromRoom(Room room)
    See Room:getName()
  • 🖤 SHARED: Room, string, Building, string rooms_lib_mr.getRoom(any arg)
    Returns the room, the room name, the building and the building name of the location of arg
    If a no room matches, the 1st and the 2nd returned values are nil.
    If a no building matches, all 4 returned values are nil.
    arg can be of the following types: Player, Entity, Vector.
  • 🖤 SHARED: Room rooms_lib_mr.getRoomFromId(int id)
    Returns the room with the specified index
  • 🖤 SHARED: Room rooms_lib_mr.getRoomFromName(string name, Building building)
    Retrieves a room by its name, only if it belongs to building
    building is optional.
  • 🖤 SHARED: table rooms_lib_mr.getRooms(Building building)
    Returns a new list of the rooms, ordered by index
    building is optional. If building is specified, the returned table only contains its rooms. If building is not specified, the keys in the returned table are the room indexes.
  • 🖤 SHARED: boolean rooms_lib_mr.isInArea(table area, any arg)
    Returns if arg is located within area bounds
    area is a table with the keys min & max and with Vector values.
    arg can be of the following types: Player, Entity, Vector.
  • 🖤 SHARED: no value rooms_lib_mr.removeForbiddenJumpLocation(any roomOrBuilding)
    Removes a room or a building into locations with forbidden jump
    roomOrBuilding can be a Building or a Room.


Garry's Mod library: rooms & buildings management (locations, voice reach management, jump prevention)








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