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React Europe 2019 Expo Web Workshop

What is Expo for web

Web support in Expo means that you can run the majority of your project on iOS, Android, and Web. Using React Native for Web, the core primitives used in React Native like View, Text, and Image are aliased to web elements like div, span, and img.

Expo takes this a step further by providing a managed workflow for babel and webpack, as well as a suite of advanced primitives like Camera, ImagePicker, SVG, etc...

Beta support

Expo for web is not fully supported as web is part of the SDK 33 alpha release. This means that native and web cannot run at the same time, since the native version of SDK 33 is not released on the App Store and Play Store just yet.

Getting full support for all of the popular React Native packages is also going to take some time. You can check out a lot of the supported features here: Web Features

Adding web support

In the future expo projects will be bootstrapped with web support. Until then you need to install the web libraries and the alpha release of Expo manually.

In a new Expo project:

yarn add expo@next react-native-web react-dom


If you are adding support to an older React Native project, ensure you have an app.json, babel.config.js, App.js and your package.json main is pointing to node_modules/expo/AppEntry.js. You will also need babel-preset-expo@^5.1.1.


To start your web project simply run the following command, there are a few flags you can use to alter how webpack runs.

expo start

expo start --web

expo start --web-only

expo start --https


To generate a static React website that you can deploy and share anywhere, simply use expo-cli to bundle your project files together.

expo build:web

expo build:web --no-polyfill --no-pwa

You can check the build report by adding:


    "expo": {
        "web": {
            "build": {
                "report": true

Then running expo build:web again. You can run open web-report/report.html to examine it.


You can use the serve package to test the production build locally.

This will make lighthouse scores much lower than if the project was actually deployed.

serve web-build

You can use any web hosting service, just point the static build folder to web-build as opposed to the usual build folder.

netlify deploy


When the build is deployed or running somewhere you can profile with the "audits" tab or by using the lighthouse-cli with lighthouse --view.


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