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Huawei-Exoplayer Adapter Github Documentation

Latest Version Java
Supported Platforms


In this documentation we explained how to use Huawei-Exoplayer adapter in android.

Click here to check the medium post about this adapter.

How to start?

Create an ad unit on Huawei Publisher Service

  1. Sign in to Huawei Developer Console and create an ad unit for Roll Ads.

What is Exoplayer?

Exoplayer is an extensible media player for Android developed by Google. Click here to check the offical Github page of the exoplayer.

What is Roll Ads?

Roll ads are displayed as short videos or images, before, during, or after the video content is played. Click here to learn more about roll ads.

Integrate the Huawei Exoplayer Adapter SDK

In the project-level build.gradle, include Huawei's Maven repository.

repositories {
    jcenter() // Also, make sure jcenter() is included
    maven { url '' } // Add this line
    maven {url ""} // Add this line


allprojects {
    repositories {
        jcenter() // Also, make sure jcenter() is included
        maven { url '' } //Add this line
        maven {url ""} // Add this line

In the app-level build.gradle, include following dependencies and enable multidex for the project :

dependencies {
   implementation ''
   implementation '<any version>'
   implementation 'androidx.multidex:multidex:2.0.1'
   implementation 'com.huawei.hms:ads:' 
defaultConfig {
    multiDexEnabled true   // enable multidex for the project

Version Change History


How it works?

Adapter implementation code as follows.

  new HwExoPlayerAdapter.Builder(Context context, PlayerView playerview, "Huawei Roll ad unit id")
                .setAdItem(Placement.PREROLL, true)
                .setAdItem(Placement.FIRST_QUARTILE, false)
                .setAdItem(Placement.MIDDLE, true)
                .setAdItem(Placement.THIRD_QUARTILE, false)
                .setAdItem(Placement.POSTROLL, true)
               //optional, used for customize the ad requests
                .setLocation(Location location)  

NOTE: adapter must be build before SimpleExoPlayer.prepare() method called.

Adapter Structure

Constructor Parameters

When creating the builder 3 parameters must be given ; context, PlayerView instance, and Roll ad unit id.

Set Ad item method

This method is used to specify the video ads according to the placement and skippable value.


For the placement, There are 5 placements you can choose (Preroll, FirstQuartile, Middle, ThidQuartile, and Post-roll).  According to these placements, the ad will pop up in the video content. For example, 2 Ad items are created and their placements are middle and post-roll. In the middle and at the end of your video content, ads will be shown.

NOTE: Only one ad will be shown for each placement. Ad pods are not currently supported .

Skip Value

Used to decide if the ad is skippable or not. Give true value for skippable ads.

Optional Methods


Sets the language in which an ad needs to be returned for an app.


Sets whether to process ad requests according to the COPPA. Use value true to allow it.


Sets the user consent string that complies with TCF v2.0.


Sets the gender. use Huawei Gender Constant class to set it. (e.g. Gender.MALE)


Sets whether to request non-personalized ads. Use value true to allow only non-personalized ads.


Sets whether to process ad requests as directed to users under the age of consent. Use value true to allow it.


Sets the location information passed by your app.


Sets whether to carry the location information in an ad request. By default, the information is carried.