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Huawei ServiceHelper Github Documentation

Latest Version Supported Platform


In this documentation we explained how to use Service Helper package in Unity to detect HMS and GMS services.

How to start?

1- Make sure that you have completed the following integration:

Huawei HMS AGC Services

You can find Huawei HMS AGC Services Sample Project from here:

2- Make sure that you have completed one of the following integration:

Huawei-AdMob Mediation

Huawei-Mopub Mediation

3- Download the latest ServiceHelper.unitypackage release from here

4- Import ServiceHelper.unitypackage to your project.

Assets > Import Package > Custom Package then select ServiceHelper.unitypackage and click Open or you can just drag the unitypackage to the Asset Folder. Then simply click Import.

You can now use Official HMS Unity Plugin when HMS is available and use a Mediation method when HMS is not available.

Sample Usage:

  if (ServiceHelper.IsHMSAvailable()) {  
    Debug.Log("HMS is available initialize Huawei Ads with Official HMS Unity Plugin");
    // Initialize ads through Official HMS Unity Plugin 
  } else {  
    Debug.Log("HMS is not available use Admob SDK with Huawei Admob mediation");
    //Initialize ads through Admob Mediation    

Note: Unity’s minify option might cause ServiceHelper.aar to not build.

In case of such an error

  • Go To Edit -> Project Settings -> Player
  • Make sure no Minify option selected.
  • Open Custom Laucher Gradle Template if it’s closed.
  • Open launcherTemplate.gradle file and delete minifyEnabled from buildTypes – release.