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Bindings for SRT in Swift. Maintained by Eyevinn Technology.

Using SRT version 1.4.3.

You can start a server as follows:

    // Start server
    let hostUrl = URL(string: "srt://")!
    let server = try! SRTServer(url: hostUrl)

    // Print all messages that the server receives (just for example)
    let cancellable = server.publisher.sink { data in
        print(String(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!)

    print("Listening to " + hostUrl.absoluteString)

    // Start server and print errors
    server.start() { error in
        print("Server error: " + error.localizedDescription)

And to write data to it, you create a socket and connect it as follows:

    // Create socket and write data
    let serverUrl = URL(string: "srt://")!
    print("Connecting to " + serverUrl.absoluteString)
    let socket = SRTSocket()
    do {
        try socket.connect(to: serverUrl)
        try socket.write(data: "Hello!".data(using: .utf8)!)
    catch {
        print("Connection error: \(error.localizedDescription)")

NB: Remember to stop the server and close the socket after use:


See the full example in the samples/server-folder.

You can also create a stream that will output data to handle via a delegate. Create the stream as follows:

    // Initialise stream (and start server)
    let serverUrl = URL(string: "srt://")!
    let stream = try! SRTStream(serverUrl: serverUrl)

A class designed to write or otherwise handle the data stream can maintain a TSWriterDelegate:

class TSWriter {
    private var delegate: TSWriterDelegate
    public func aWriterFunc () {
        let dataBlock: Data? = "dataBlock".data(using: .utf8)


NB: The SRTStream will close the underlying socket on destruction, but you can close() explicitly if you wish.

See the full example in the samples/stream-folder.

Supported platforms

  • iOS/iPadOS
  • iOS/iPadOS Simulator
  • macOS


SwiftSRT can be used with Swift Package Manager, Cocoapods, or by simply dragging the framework Frameworks/SwiftSRT.xcframework to the "Frameworks, Libraries, and Embedded Content"-list in Xcode.


Add SwiftSRT by adding the following to the desired target in your Podfile:

pod 'SwiftSRT', '~> 0.2'

Swift Package Manager

To add SwiftSRT, your dependency list should look something like this:

dependencies: [
    .package(url: "", .upToNextMinor(from: "0.2.0"))

A further simple example

This simple example program will print the first data it recives as a base64 string.

import SwiftSRT

let url = URL(string: "srt://")!
let socket = SRTSocket()
try! socket.bind(to: url)
socket.listen(withBacklog: 2)
print("Listening to " + url.absoluteString)

let fd = socket.accept()
let chunk = 1316)

There are more examples in the samples-folder.