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The best way to install ratatouille is from pypi:

pip install ratatouille

Alternatively, you can install from master as follows:

pip install git+

Example of usage

Collect data in file /tmp/data.csv with a 3 seconds interval (press Ctr-C to stop).

ratatouille collect -t 3 all /tmp/data.csv

Collect only the temperature and frequency:

ratatouille collect -t 3 cpu_freq temperature /tmp/data.csv

Plot the data stored in file /tmp/data.csv.

ratatouille plot /tmp/data.csv

For this last command, you need to install extra dependencies:

pip install pandas plotnine

Collected data

When collecting data you can either collect all data (with the all target argument) or a subset of the data:

  • cpu_freq collects the frequency (in Hertz) of each logical CPU core listed in /sys/devices/system/cpu/.
  • cpu_load collects the percentage load of the CPUs.
  • cpu_power computes the average power consumption (in Watts) of each package listed in /sys/devices/virtual/powercap/intel-rapl/ between two intervals. Additional values for the core, uncore and dram are also collected if available.
  • cpu_stats collects the total number of context switches, interrupts and soft_interrupts since boot.
  • fan_speed collects the rotation speed of fans.
  • memory_usage collects the current memory available (in bytes) and its percentage over the total memory.
  • network collects the total number of bytes sent and received on each network interface.
  • temperature collects the temperature (in Celsius or Farenheit degrees, depending on your configuration) of each physical CPU core and other thermal sensors.

Notice that cpu_load, cpu_stats, fan_speed, memory_usage, network and temperature rely on psutil to collect data.