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Releases: F5Networks/f5-google-gdm-templates-v2


07 Jun 20:19
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Features added:

  • Updated templates to use the latest recommended versions of Automation Toolchain packages and F5 BIG-IP Runtime Init.
    • DO: 1.44.0
    • AS3: 3.51.0
    • CFE: 2.1.1
    • Runtime Init: 2.0.2


17 Apr 15:00
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Features added:

  • Updated templates to use the latest recommended versions of Automation Toolchain packages.
    • DO: 1.43.0
    • AS3: 3.50.2
    • CFE: 2.1.0
    • TS: 1.35.0
    • FAST: 1.25.0


26 Dec 17:45
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Features added:

  • Updated templates to use the latest recommended versions of Automation Toolchain packages and F5 BIG-IP Runtime Init.
    • DO: 1.4.1
    • AS3: 3.48.0
    • CFE: 2.0.2
    • TS: 1.33.0
    • FAST: 1.25.0
    • F5 BIG-IP Runtime Init: 2.0.1
  • Updated templates to support deploying into shared VPCs (#21).


  • Documented how to use a secret to apply shared ASM cookie protection settings.


17 Aug 18:30
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Features added:

  • Updated templates to use the latest recommended versions of Automation Toolchain packages and F5 BIG-IP Runtime Init.
  • The user-provided CFE tag value is now rendered dynamically via a parameter in the Runtime Init configuration. Fixes GitHub Issue #39.

Bugs Fixed:

  • Fixed issue where newer versions of BIG-IP failed to deploy because the restjavad.useextramb db variable was not found. Fixes GitHub Issue #25.
  • Fixed incorrect links.


15 Jun 15:52
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Features added:

  • Updated Runtime Init and Automation Toolchain package versions to latest available at release time.

Bugs Fixed:

  • Updated BIG-IP modules to allow passing an empty string or no value for customImageId.


28 Feb 20:28
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Features added:

  • Updated templates to use BIG-IP version by default.
  • Updated Runtime Init and Automation Toolchain package versions to latest available at release time.
  • Added REST db variables to improve template performance.

Bugs Fixed:

  • Fixed an issue with Quickstart numNics parameter.


21 Oct 20:53
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Features added:

Bugs fixed:

  • GitHub Issue #9: Invalid config files: Template fetching failed: Failed to find imported sample_quickstart_existing_network.yaml


04 Oct 17:23
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Features added:

  • Updated templates to use BIG-IP version by default.
  • Updated Runtime Init and Automation Toolchain package versions to latest available at release time.
  • Added template input parameters:
    • bigIpServiceAccountEmail - to provide a pre-existing IAM Service Account.
    • bigIpLicenseKey - to provide a license registration key for BYOL deployments.
    • bigIpHostname - to provide a hostname for Quickstart and Failover solutions.
    • allowUsageAnalytics - to control whether template usage information is sent to F5.
  • Templatized Secret Manager secret information (bigIpSecretId) to reduce customization needed for runtime-init configs.

Bugs fixed:

  • GitHub Issue #10: restrictedSrcAddressApp required but missing in failover example yaml files
  • GitHub Issue #12: typo in troubleshoot section for failover-example
  • GitHub Issue #14: example 3nic byol failover contains wrong gateway for internalIntRoute
  • General: Ensure cfeS3Bucket is unique.
  • General: Clarify description for bigIpPeerAddress parameter.


26 Jul 20:04
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Features added:

  • Updated Runtime Init and Automation Toolchain package versions to latest available at release time.
  • Cloud resources created by templates were updated to follow standard naming convention.
  • Standardized and refined Runtime Init configuration self IP address allowed services list.
  • Updated Autoscale existing stack example Runtime Init configurations to include an application configuration by default as customizing it is always required.
  • Updated Autoscale Runtime Init configurations to retrieve Telemetry Streaming parameters dynamically from instance metadata.

Bugs fixed:

  • Github Issue #10: Fixed missing restrictedSrcAddressApp Parameter in template config files
  • Fixed Quickstart and Failover solutions to use the Forwarding Rule's Public IP for BIG-IP's VIP.


17 Jun 22:15
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Features added:

  • Updated PAYG templates to use Best Plus images
  • Updated to latest versions of F5 BIG-IP Runtime Init and Automation Toolchain packages