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Katherine Bowler edited this page Jun 10, 2016 · 3 revisions

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Please see the other pages for more information. This page is dedicated to the shift in the project from hackathon to prototype.

Original Scope

In the hackathon, this project was intended to be for clinician task management and communication between the clinician and their patients. The prototype was started with this idea in mind.

Shift to a Tracker

After a mid-project meeting, the prototype was shifted to focus more on the experience of the clinician. The patient experience still exists in the client dashboard to show progress on documents they are awaiting to be sent. However, a notification system to alert the patients via email or text was no longer used.

On the clinician side, features were added to enhance the experience as a task management system. There is functionality for adding letters, changing letter statuses, removing letters which were added by mistake or completed, and searching for patients if there is a long list rather than having to scroll through.

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