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Clinician Dashboard

Katherine Bowler edited this page Jun 3, 2016 · 3 revisions



The purpose of this page is for the clinician to have an overview of all the letters s/he needs to write. It acts as a to-do list for the clinician. Initially this page will only have buttons to 'Add Letters', 'Log Out' and a search bar. However, as the clinician adds letters from their patients, this page will display the patients added by the clinician.

Each client listed will be a collapsible component with a table of letters inside (detailed below). Before expanding the table, there will be an overview showing the Patient ID, and number of sent letters out of the total number of letters for that patient.

After expanding the table, the clinician can see a list of all the letters to complete, with the current status of the letters, and toggle the status of the letters as it changes.


Client List Component

This component will initially be collapsed and display the client name and number of completed letters out of the total.

Add Letter Modal

A modal to add a new letter where the clinician can input patient id, letter topics, and the recipient(s) of the letter.

Letter Table

Column names : Topic, Recipient, Status, Date Created

Search bar

A search bar at the top of the page where the clinician can search for a specific patient id