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Copy Mesh Settings

FACS01-01 edited this page Apr 17, 2024 · 3 revisions

Helps you copy/transfer Mesh Renderer settings between two GameObjects and their children, without copying the mesh assets.

Main use case: when you have an avatar's FBX in Unity, you tweaked its Blendshape values / mesh Bounds / assigned Materials / some other Mesh Renderer settings, then wanted to edit the FBX a bit (in Blender for example), and after importing the new FBX to Unity (keeping the old one) you need to copy all settings back.

How to use

  1. Open its window from the menu FACS Utils/Copy/Copy Mesh Settings.
  2. Put the root GameObject of what you want to copy from, into the Copy From object selector, and press Scan!.
  3. Put the root GameObject of what you want to receive the copying, into the Copy To object selector.
  4. Use the checkboxes to select what Components to copy.
  5. When ready, press the Copy! button.

Extra tips and notes

  • You can select Prefabs or unpacked GameObjects, from Scene or Project folders, to copy From and To.
  • Keep in mind that the copying process looks for matching GameObject Names between both hierarchies.
    • If you renamed a mesh in the new FBX, make a duplicate of the old model and rename the corresponding Mesh Renderer/GameObject so it matches the new model.
  • The tool provides 2 types of visualizations so you can locate the Components to copy more easily: List View and Hierarchy View.
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