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Remove Missing Scripts

FACS01-01 edited this page Apr 17, 2024 · 2 revisions

Helps you find and remove broken MonoBehaviours from the selected GameObject and its children.

How to use

  1. Open its window from the menu FACS Utils/Script/Remove Missing Scripts.
  2. Put the root GameObject into the object selector.
  3. To get a list of missing scripts and their locations, press the Scan! button.
  4. To remove missing scripts, press the Run Fix! button. You don't have to perform a Scan before Run Fix, just in case.

Extra tips and notes

  • You can select Prefabs or unpacked GameObjects to fix, from Scene or Project folders.
  • If you select an instantiated Prefab from Scene, its source Prefab Asset will also be fixed. If you don't want this, unpack the Prefab Instance from Scene.
  • Using the Scan feature, you can find 3 types of missing MonoBehaviours:
    • Missing Types: they have regular script IDs and can contain data. Instead of deleting them, they could be repaired with Fix Scripts.
    • Unknowns From Prefab: missing scripts without IDs or data, from an Instantiated Prefab. Their data can be found in its Prefab Asset. If the Prefab Asset is repaired, this MonoBehaviours should get fixed too.
    • Lost Sources: missing scripts with no IDs or data, which are not linked to any Prefab Asset, so are completely unrecoverable.