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Project Description and Installation Instructions on GitHub

Project Description

This project is a web application with two main interfaces:

  1. Homepage: Displays information and images related to available courses and bootcamps, along with a contact form.
  2. Admin Panel: Allows administrators to manage course data, including adding new courses and deleting existing ones.

1. Homepage

Homepage Contents:

  • Header Section: Contains the website logo and main navigation links such as "Home", "Courses", and "Login".
  • Courses and Bootcamps List: Displays a list of courses and bootcamps with images, brief descriptions, and registration links.
  • Events and Activities: Provides details about upcoming events and activities, such as meetups and seminars.
  • Contact Form: Offers a form for visitors to contact the website administration by entering their email and message.

2. Admin Panel

Admin Panel Contents:

  • Courses List: Displays all registered courses in the system with the option to delete any course.
  • Add New Course: Provides a form to add new courses to the system.
  • Admin Actions: Allows the administrator to perform various actions such as deleting courses.

Key Features

  • View and Manage Courses: Users can view the list of available courses and log in to get more details. Administrators can manage these courses through the admin panel.
  • Contact Form: Allows visitors to contact the website administration for more information or inquiries.
  • Add and Delete Courses: The admin panel enables administrators to add new courses or delete unwanted courses.

System Components

  • Frontend: Built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, with EJS templates for data rendering.
  • Backend: Developed using Node.js and Express.js to handle HTTP requests and interact with the database.
  • Database: Uses MongoDB to store and manage course and bootcamp data.

Installation and Usage Instructions

System Requirements

  • Node.js (version 12 or later)
  • MongoDB

Installation Steps

  1. Install Dependencies

    npm install --silent	
  2. Set Up the Database

    • Ensure MongoDB is running on your system.
    • Create a new database in MongoDB.
  3. Configure Environment Variables

    • Create a .env file in the project root and add the following:
  4. Run the Application

    npm start
  5. Access the Website

    • Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000.

Admin User 1234