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laurentgarrigue edited this page Aug 28, 2019 · 13 revisions


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Game list URL

  • lang= fr | en
  • event= event number OPTIONAL
  • Saison= competition year
  • Group= CM (World championships) | CE (European championships) OPTIONAL
  • Compet= Category (CMH | CMF | CMH21 | CMF21 | CEH | CEF | CEH21 | CEF21 ...) OPTIONAL
  • Css= Specific stylesheet (thury2014 | sainto | simply | usnational | welland2018 ...) OPTIONAL
  • arbitres= 0 | 1 (Referees)
  • filtreJour= date filter (i.e: 2014-09-25) OPTIONAL
  • navGroup= 1 (links to other group's categories and other pages) OPTIONAL
  • next= next (only next games) OPTIONNAL

Infos URL

  • lang= fr | en
  • event= event number OPTIONAL
  • Saison= competition year
  • Group= CM (World championships) | CE (European championships) OPTIONAL
  • Compet= Category (CMH | CMF | CMH21 | CMF21 | CEH | CEF | CEH21 | CEF21 ...) OPTIONAL
  • type= CHPT | CP competition type (CHPT=championship, CP=cup/tournament)
  • Css= Specific stylesheet (thury2014 | sainto | simply | usnational | welland2018 ...) OPTIONAL
  • navGroup= 1 (links to other group's categories and other pages) OPTIONAL

Progress URL*&Css=thury2014&navGroup=1

  • lang= fr | en
  • event= event number OPTIONAL
  • Saison= competition year
  • Group= CM (World championships) | CE (European championships) ...
  • Compet= Category (CMH | CMF | CMH21 | CMF21 | CEH | CEF | CEH21 | CEF21 ...)
  • Round= * (all) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 (rounds to display)
  • Css= Specific stylesheet (thury2014 | sainto | simply | usnational | welland2018 ...) OPTIONAL
  • navGroup= 1 (links to other group's categories and other pages) OPTIONAL

Group results URL

  • lang= fr | en
  • event= event number OPTIONAL
  • Saison= competition year
  • Group= CM (World championships) | CE (European championships) ...
  • Compet= Category (CMH | CMF | CMH21 | CMF21 | CEH | CEF | CEH21 | CEF21 ...)
  • Round= * (all) | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 (rounds to display)
  • Css= Specific stylesheet (thury2014 | sainto | simply | usnational | welland2018 ...) OPTIONAL
  • navGroup= 1 (links to other group's categories and other pages) OPTIONAL

Ranking URL

  • lang= fr | en
  • event= event number OPTIONAL
  • Saison= competition year
  • Group= CM (World championships) | CE (European championships) ...
  • Compet= Category (CMH | CMF | CMH21 | CMF21 | CEH | CEF | CEH21 | CEF21 ...)
  • Css= Specific stylesheet (thury2014 | sainto | simply | usnational | welland2018 ...) OPTIONAL
  • navGroup= 1 (links to other group's categories and other pages) OPTIONAL

Stats (scorers)

  • lang= fr | en
  • event= event number OPTIONAL
  • Saison= competition year
  • Group= CM (World championships) | CE (European championships) ...
  • Compet= Category (CMH | CMF | CMH21 | CMF21 | CEH | CEF | CEH21 | CEF21 ...)
  • Css= Specific stylesheet (thury2014 | sainto | simply | usnational | welland2018 ...) OPTIONAL
  • navGroup= 1 (links to other group's categories and other pages) OPTIONAL

Pitches (game list),2&Css=sainto&filtreJour=2014-09-25

  • lang= fr | en
  • Saison= competition year
  • event= event id OPTIONAL
  • Group= CM (World championships) | CE (European championships) ...
  • Compet= Category (CMH | CMF | CMH21 | CMF21 | CEH | CEF | CEH21 | CEF21 ...) OPTIONAL
  • terrains= 1,2,3,4 (pitches to display, if empty = all)
  • filtreJour= date filter (format : YYYY-MM-DD) OPTIONAL
  • Css= Specific stylesheet (thury2014 | sainto | simply | usnational | welland2018 ...) OPTIONAL
  • navGroup= 1 (links to other group's categories and other pages) OPTIONAL
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