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Available Infrastructure for the ChRIS Project

Jennings Zhang edited this page Jun 5, 2023 · 1 revision


We need to provide two deployments of CUBE:

  • private: BCH-only, PHI-allowed
  • public: anyone can use

To deploy CUBE, are are concerned about 3 components:

  • compute resource
  • storage
  • location of CUBE (backend)

For simplification, in this article we will not consider where the compute resource will be located since it can typically be colocated with CUBE.

Available Infrastructure

Name Owner Physical Location Advantages Disadvantages Work Needed BCH Research Computing (RC) BCH easy low resources none FNNDSC Landmark Center easy slow none
FNNDSC Galena FNNDSC Landmark Center physical access, root access Nodes vary greatly in capacity, there are only a few "good" nodes which are multi-purpose run CUBE on k8s
bch-mghpcc MGHPCC MGHPCC at Holyoke 50TB of free space must use SLURM, Singularity, NFS; no PHI; not exposed to public Run CUBE using Singularity
NERC OpenStack Compute NERC MGHPCC at Holyoke outside of BCH network Ask NERC about quotas, must manage VMs ourselves good-to-go
NERC OpenStack Storage NERC MGHPCC at Holyoke outside of BCH network; professionally operated Swift storage is performant+durable Ask NERC about quotas good-to-go
NERC OpenShift NERC MGHPCC at Holyoke outside of BCH network; Kubernetes Ask NERC about quotas run CUBE on k8s

CUBE Deployment Configurations

CUBE Location Storage Location CUBE<-->Storage Connection Size Storage Reliability Performance host 200GB ⭐⭐⭐ host 1TB
FNNDSC galena BCH rc-nfs in-network 10TB ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐
NERC OpenShift mghpcc-bch WWW SSH tunnel ?[1] 50TB ⭐⭐ [2]
mghpcc-bch ?[1] mghpcc-bch in-network 50TB ⭐⭐ [2] ⭐⭐⭐
NERC OpenStack Compute NERC OpenStack Swift in-network 2TB? ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
NERC OpenShift NERC OpenShift NooBaa? [3] in-network 100GB? ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐⭐
NERC OpenShift NERC OpenShift Volume in-network 100GB? ⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐
NERC OpenShift NERC OpenStack Swift WWW 2TB? ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ⭐⭐⭐


  1. May we open ports on bch-mghpcc? May they be public-facing, or BCH-only?
  2. What is the storage deployment and policy of bch-mghpcc? (RAID? NFS? Backup frequency? Backup accessibility?)
  3. Does NERC OpenShift support Noobaa object storage?

Conditional Suggestions

  1. If bch-mghpcc allows us to open ports publicly (or reverse-proxy) and we can get it to work without SSH tunneling bottleneck, then it is our best choice for public CUBE, because of the size of the free storage.
  2. If NERC OpenShift offers NooBaa object storage and is generous with quotas, it would be our best choice for public CUBE, because of Kubernetes and efficiency.
  3. If NERC OpenStack is generous with its quotas, it would be a good place to host our public CUBE.