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Nicolas Rannou edited this page May 2, 2017 · 1 revision



Error that is not caught on the server

Track it down

Open Django server console

1- Log into container running Django.

docker exec -ti <container id> /bin/bash

2- Stop Djando server process

ps aux | grep python
kill -9 <pids>

3- Restart Django

python -m pdb runserver
> add breakpoints or hit "c" to continue

Note that there is new way to get an interactive terminal with the latest docker-make script:

docker-compose run --service-ports chris_dev

Catch/Raise it

Classic try/catch scheme.

We only Raise errors from the rest_framework.exceptions.

  from rest_framework.exceptions import ParseError
    for x in stream_data['template']['data']:
      json_data[x['name']] = x['value']
    except KeyError as e:
      detail = "%s field required. " % e 
       detail += template_valid_str  
       raise ParseError(detail=detail)
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