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Juan Gonzalez-Gomez edited this page Apr 1, 2024 · 10 revisions



apio build [OPTIONS]


Synthesize the bitstream: generates a .bin file from the verilog sources and constaint file

Required package: oss-cad-suite


Flag Long Flag Description
-b --board Select a specific board
--fpga Select a specific FPGA
--size --type --pack Select a specific FPGA size, type and pack
-p --project-dir Set the target directory for the project.
-v --verbose Show the entire output of the command
--verbose-yosys Show the yosys output of the command
--verbose-pnr Show the pnr output of the command
--top-module str Set the top level module (w/o .v ending) for build


All available boards, FPGAs, sizes, types and packs are showed in apio boards


1. Process the ledon example

Before executing the command, these are the files in the current directory:

$ ls
apio.ini  info  ledon_tb.gtkw  ledon_tb.v  ledon.v  pinout.pcf

Build the project:

apio build

It is built for the board specified in the apio.ini file:

These are the new files created. The hardware.bin file contains the bitstream

$ ls
apio.ini      hardware.bin   info           ledon_tb.v  pinout.pcf
hardware.asc  hardware.json  ledon_tb.gtkw  ledon.v

2. Build ledon for the icestick board

apio build -b icestick

Even though the project is for the Alhambra-ii boad, the parameters have highest priority than the apio.ini file. Therefore, this file is ignored and the bitstream for icestick board is generated instead

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