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Darvas Dániel edited this page Feb 12, 2016 · 1 revision

Installing LTSmin on Cygwin

(Based on and .)

  • Download Cygwin x64

  • Install Cygwin with the at least the following packages:

    • gcc
    • popt (1.16-1)
    • zlib (1.2.8-3)
    • make (4.1-1)
    • flex (2.5.39-1)
    • libiconv-devel (1.14-3) (This is not listed explicitly for LTSmin but the installation fails without libiconv)
  • Install LTSmin

      # Download LTSmin 2.1
      # Unpack the tarball
      tar xvzf ltsmin-2.1.tar.gz
      cd ltsmin-2.1
      # Configure 
      ./configure --disable-dependency-tracking LDFLAGS=-Wl,--export-all-symbols --prefix /usr/bin/ltsmin/
      # check if the output of configure looks fine!
      # Build
      # Some warnings are OK here, but you shouldn't see an "Error 1"-like ending. Some "commandnot found" messages may also be OK (e.g. for func_munge_path_list).
      # Run all tests
      make check
      # Install
      make install

Install opaal

To support UPPAAL input files, LTSmin needs the opaal tool. Unfortunately, I haven't found a way yet to install it on Cygwin. Here are the first steps I've made:

  • Install sage (Cygwin package manager, to make life easier)

          lynx -source > sage
          install sage /bin
  • Install the necessary packages using Sage:

          sage install bzr
          sage install libtool
          sage install automake
          sage install swig 
    • Missing, but required by opaal: libc6-dev-i386, build-essential, libboost-all-dev, python2.7-ply, libpopt-dev, libtbb-dev, python2.7-numpy
  • There is an install script for opaal, but it has to be altered, so don't use the original.

  • Install pyuppall and opaal using bzr

          #Install pyuppall
          bzr branch lp:pyuppaal
          #Install opaal
          bzr branch lp:opaal
  • Download opaal DBM

          #Install dbm and python bindings - download (patched) dbm lib (-fPIC)
          tar -xpzf UPPAAL-dbm-2.0.8-opaal3.tar.gz
  • Refresh the outdated ''OS guess'' scripts

  • Setup

          mkdir -p usr
          echo "" > UPPAAL-dbm-2.0.8-opaal3/modules/input
          echo -n $DIR >> UPPAAL-dbm-2.0.8-opaal3/modules/input
          cd UPPAAL-dbm-2.0.8-opaal3/modules
          echo "/usr" >> input
          echo "" >> input
          echo "2" >> input
          echo "6 11" >> input
          ./ < input
  • And here it fails because of the missing packages. :(

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