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Data analysis scripts and tools used for the publication "Experimental strategies for imaging bioparticles with femtosecond hard X-ray pulses":


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This repository provides a description of the data analysis tools used for a Flash X-ray Imaging (FXI) experiment which was performed at the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) and is described in

Daurer B.J., Okamoto K., et al. Experimental strategies for imaging bioparticles with femtosecond hard X-ray pulses. IUCrJ 4, 3 (2017).

The data has been deposited in the Coherent X-ray Imaging Data Base (CXIDB) with ID 56 and can be downloaded from here:

List of available files:

File name Name Description HITS Diffraction hits saved as CXI files. BKGR Diffraction background saved as CXI files. META Auxiliary files.

Inspecting CXI files

The easiest way to inspect CXI files is to use the viewing tool Owl (, but any inspection tool for HDF5 files can be used.


In order to be able to run all the provided scripts and jupyter notebooks, the following has to be installed:

Contact information

For questions about this repository and the data analysis tools, feel free to contact me:

Step-by-step instructions on data analysis

The following sections provide a detailed description of the individual data analysis steps performed for this work. The names HITS, BKGR and META are used as reference to the data files which are available for download using the links above. The entire processing pipeline for this experiment looks like this:


1. Dark calibration

All raw data frames from run 63 have been averaged (using Cheetah) and saved in META/back/darkcal.h5 and META/front/darkcal.h5 for the back and front detector respectively.

2. Detector characterization

All dark calibrated and common-mode corrected data frames from the runs 163-214 have been histogrammed (per-pixel) with Cheetah and saved in META/back/histograms/\*histogram.h5 and META/front/histograms/\*histogram.h5. All individual histograms are merged together using

scripts/ META/back/histograms/r0163-histogram.h5 META/back/histograms/r0*-histogram.h5 --cm -o META/back/merged_histogram.h5
scripts/ META/front/histograms/r0163-histogram.h5 META/front/histograms/r0*-histogram.h5 --cm -o META/front/merged_histogram.h5

and saved in META/back/merged_histogram.h5 and META/front/merged/merged_histogram.h5.

Fitting Gaussians to each histogram by using

scripts/ fit META/back/merged_histogram.h5 -o META/back/gain/
scripts/ fit META/front/merged_histogram.h5 -o META/front/gain/

generates per-pixel fitting results which are saved in META/back/gain/fitting_results.h5 and META/front/gain/fitting_results.h5. Based on these numbers, per-pixel estimates for gain and noise can be generated using

scripts/ generate META/back/gain/fitting_results.h5 -o META/back/gain/
scripts/ generate META/front/gain/fitting_results.h5 -o META/front/gain/

which saves gain/noise maps into META/back/gain/gainmap.h5/META/back/gain/bg_sigmamap.h5 and META/front/gain/gainmap.h5/META/front/gain/bg_sigmamap.h5 respectively.

The outcome of this detector characterization is summarized in this notebook: Detector charachterization (Figure 3).

3. Background characterization

Two background runs, the first during buffer injection (run 175) and the second with no injection (run 199) have been processed with Cheetah (using dark and common-mode correction) as described in BKGR/cheetah.ini and saved in BKGR/cxic9714-r0175.cxi and META/cxic9714-r0199.cxi. Using

scripts/ -o META/
scripts/ -o META/

a statistical analysis of the background frames is performed and results are saved in META/background_buffer_stats.h5 and META/background_beamline_stats.h5. The outcome of this background characterization is summarized in this notebook: Background characterization (Figure 9).

4. Hit-finding

For all sample runs between run 163 and 211, Cheetah was used to find diffraction hits based on a lit-pixel counter applied to dark and common-mode corrected back detector images (see HITS/cheetah.ini for configuration details). For all hit events, assembled images of both detectors (back and front) together with auxilliary data (injector positions, photon energies, pulse energies, ...) are saved in HITS/cxic9714-r0XXX.cxi. Using the visualisation tool Owl, it is simple to inspect the content of these CXI files:

Owl inspect

5. Classification based on size and intensity

Using the sphere-model option of Owl (⌘ + M), diffraction from a homogeneous sphere has been fitted to all low-resolution diffraction patterns (back detector) using the following recipe:

  1. Specify model properties (5.5 keV photon energy, material density of poliovirus,, 2.4 m detector distance, 95 % detector quantum efficiency, 110e-6 m detector pixelsize),
  2. Find center position using the "blurred" method from the libspimage module,
  3. Estimate the particle size using the "pearson" method for diameter fitting from the libspimage module,
  4. Estimate the intensity using the "photons" method for intensity fitting from the libspimage module and
  5. Refine all estimates (center position, particle size and intensity) using the fit_full_sphere_model method from the libspimage module

resulting in low-resolution sphere-fits looking like this: Owl sizing

Using the tagging option of Owl (⌘ + G), images where the sphere-fitting failed are marked (filled red boxes): Owl tagging

This classification analysis is performed on all given CXI files. The fitting results are saved under the entry entry_1/image_1/model, the tags are saved in entry_1/image_1/tags.

6. Extract selected diffraction patterns and results

Using scripts/ with the --selection flag

scripts/ HITS/*.cxi -o META/ --selection

a selection of N assembled diffraction patterns is saved in META/selection.h5 and displayed in this notebook: Selection of difraction patterns (Figure 4).

Using scripts/ with the --results flag

scripts/ HITS/*.cxi --exclude fail --poszmin -8.5 --poszmax -8.4 -o HITS/ --results

size, intensity and center position estimates are saved in META/results.h5 after excluding failed classifications and selecting for a fixed injector position (along the X-ray beam axis). The outcome of this analysis is summarized in the notebooks: Size vs. intensity (Figure 5), Beamprofile (Figure 7) and Center distribution (Figure 8).

7. Single-shot diffraction pattern

Using scripts/ as single-shot event with corresponding particle size of 42 nm is extracted

scripts/ -o META/

and its back/front detector images as well as an assembled image are saved in META/single-short_back.h5, META/single-short_front.h5 and META/single-short_assembled.h5 respectively. These images are used for studying signal vs. background levels as function of resolution, the outcome is summarized in the notebook: Signal vs. Resolution (Figure 10).

In addition, the assmebled diffraction pattern META/single-shot_assembled.h5 is used for 2D phase retrieval

scripts/ -o META

with the result of this reconstruction beeing saved in META/phasing.h5 and summarized in the notebook: Phasing of single diffraction pattern (Fig. 11).

8. Validation of sphere-fitting

For a validation of the sphere-fitting approach to estimate particle sizes and intensities, the simulation tool Condor has been used to simulate spheres with different particle sizes and intensities and the same classification procedure as described in 5. has been applied. The results are saved in META/sphere_simulation.h5 and summarized in the notebook: Validation of sphere fitting (Figure 2).

9. Sample characterization

Using the SEM image provided in META/prep/omrv.tif and measurements of the particle size saved in META/size.txt, a summary of the sample preparation is shown in the notebook: Sample characterization (Figure 6).


Data analysis scripts and tools used for the publication "Experimental strategies for imaging bioparticles with femtosecond hard X-ray pulses":







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