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Version: 0.3.2

  1. Introduction
  2. Installation
  3. Requirements
  4. Installing old-style
  5. Install with Pathogen
  6. Install with Vundle
  7. Install as a Package
  8. Quickstart
  9. Configuration
  10. Licence

1. Introduction

Commentable is a Vim plugin that provides a set of commands and functions that make it easy to use block (walled) comments across various languages.

Block comments are used to make comments more visually distinct:

/* Important and easily visible information.                         */

These "walled" comment blocks are a pain to rewrite manually, since the closing boundary moves around and you need to reformat the walls. Commentable makes this a single action job.

2. Installation

2.1. Requirements

Commentable assumes a version of Vim compiled with the normal feature set. Some vital features that are required are eval and user_commands. Commentable requires a version of Vim of at least 7.4 -- as long as you're running a relatively modern OS the version available in your package manager will be fine.

2.2. Installing old-style

Once you have a clone of this repo, copy the contents of each of the directories (excluding "test") in the repo into an identically named directory in your vim config directory: on GNU/Linux this is ~/.vim and on Windows this is C:/Users/<username>/vimfiles/.

2.3. Installing with Pathogen

If you already have Pathogen working then skip Step 1 and go to Step 2.

2.4.1. Step 1: Install pathogen

First, install Pathogen so that it's easy to install Commentable. Do this in your terminal so that you get the pathogen.vim file and the directories it needs:

mkdir -p ~/.vim/autoload ~/.vim/bundle && \
curl -LSso ~/.vim/autoload/pathogen.vim

Then, add this to your ~/.vimrc:

execute pathogen#infect()

2.4.2. Step 2: Install Commentable as a Pathogen Bundle

You now have pathogen installed and should clone Commentable into into ~/.vim/bundle.

git clone ~/.vim/bundle/

2.4. Installing with Vundle

2.5.1. Step 1: Install Vundle

Vundle uses the same style of managing plugins as Pathogen - that is, keeping every part of the plugin separated within the "bundle" directory and adding it to Vim's runtime path. However, Vundle makes it easy to install new plugins and to keep plugins updated without having to manually clone or pull each one.

To install Vundle, run the following commands:

mkdir -p ~/.vim/bundle
git clone ~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim

Then, add the following lines at the top of your vimrc:

set nocompatible
filetype off

set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim
call vundle#begin()

Plugin 'VundleVim/Vundle.vim'

call vundle#end()

filetype plugin indent on

All plugins added between the #begin and #end calls will be installed or updated as necessary with the command PluginInstall.

2.5.2. Step 2: Install Commentable as a Vundle Plugin

To install Commentable, add the line:

Plugin 'FalacerSelene/vim-commentable'

and run PluginInstall.

2.5. Installing as a Package

If you have a Vim version 8 or later or Neovim then you can use the package interface to install Commentable.

Create the following directory tree in your .vim config directory:


where <packagename> is a name for this package (collection of plugins). One possible scheme for naming packages is by author on Github, but this won't affect plugin installation - it's up to you what you call it!

Inside the start/ directory, take a clone of this repository:

git clone

And that's all you need to do - the plugin is now installed!

3. Quickstart

If all you want is to have some nice comment blocks, then add the following command to your vimrc, or run it yourself when starting vim:


Once this is done, you can run


With your cursor on the block in question to prettify it, splitting the comment body over lines correctly and aligning the comment walls.

Also exposed is the command:


Create embeds the current line of text within a new comment block, reflowing it across multiple lines as necessary. It also accept a range, enclosing the ranged-over lines of text in a comment block.

4. Configuration

If the default styles don't suit your language, preferences or other requirements, then you can define your own comment styles at either a per-buffer or global level.

In order to set a new global style, assign a 3-valued list to the variable g:CommentableBlockStyle. The values of this list are the left-hand edge of the block, the top and bottom edges, and the right hand edge of the desired block.

For example, if you set:

let g:CommentableBlockStyle = ['a', 'o', 'e']

Then resulting comment blocks will look like this:

a Actual comment text here.                                        e

Obviously this is unlikely to be a real comment in your preferred language!

Elements of this list may also be more than one element long, which has the following effect:

let g:CommentableBlockStyle = ['/*', 'xo', '*/']
/* Actual comment text here.                                      */

This same variable may be set on a per-buffer level, in which case it is used in preference to the global value. One of the recommended ways to use Commentable is to set per-buffer values of this variable using either filetype autocommands, or using ftplugin/<filetype>.vim files in your vim directory.

let g:CommentableBlockStyle = ['/*', '*', '*/']
autocmd Filetype *.pl let b:CommentableBlockStyle = ['#-', '-', '-#']

In code.c:

/* Some very important function description text.                 */


#- An explanation of design choices in the following code.        -#

For more information, see the in-vim help documentation:

help commentable

5. Licence

Commentable is licensed under the UNLICENCE. It may also be bound by the terms of the Vim licence or the Neovim licence as well.