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Oracle Database (Supporting RAC) Monitoring on Zabbix, Blazing Fast via Golang.

Build Steps:

  1. Clone repo
  2. Setup oracle instant client and environment variables. Guide
  3. go build main.go
  orazabbix [flags]

      --alsologtostderr                  log to standard error as well as files
  -c, --connectionstring string          ConnectionString to the Database, Format: username/password@ip:port/sid (default "system/oracle@localhost:1521/xe")
  -h, --help                             help for orazabbix
  -H, --host string                      Hostname of the monitored object in zabbix server (default "server1")
      --log_backtrace_at traceLocation   when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
      --log_dir string                   If non-empty, write log files in this directory
      --logtostderr                      log to standard error instead of files
  -p, --port int                         Zabbix Server/Proxy Port (default 10051)
      --stderrthreshold severity         logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 2)
  -v, --v Level                          log level for V logs
      --vmodule moduleSpec               comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
  -z, --zabbix string                    Zabbix Server/Proxy Hostname or IP address (default "localhost")


  1. Import template file in Zabbix server.
  2. Add cron entry:
* * * * * oracle source /home/oracle/.bash_profile;/home/oracle/main -c <user>/<password>@<instance ip or hostname>:<port>/<sid> -z <zabbix server ip> -p <zabbix server(trapper) port>-H <hostname in zabbix server> 2>&1 >/dev/null
  1. Restart cron service
  2. Latest data in Zabbix frontend should start populating after a minute.


  1. Build instantclient image of choice, ie. 19.5 using oracle official Dockerfile.
  2. Use provided Dockerfile to build the image and monitor remotely.
  3. docker run -d --name orazabix <build image id/name> / <Flags>


  • Autodiscovery for tablespaces
  • Autodiscovery for ASM Diskgroups
  • Autodiscovery for Instances
  • Tablespace size (bytes/percent)
  • ASM Diskgroups size (bytes)
  • ASM Diskgroups Offline Disks Count
  • Alive
  • Archivelog switch
  • Blocking Sessions
  • Blocking Sessions Full Information
  • DB Block Changes
  • DB Block Gets
  • DB Consistent Gets
  • DB Files Size
  • DB Hit Ratio
  • DB Physical Reads
  • DB Version
  • Hit ratio - BODY
  • Hit ratio - SQLAREA
  • Hit ratio - TABLE/PROCEDURE
  • Hit ratio - TRIGGER
  • Max Processes
  • Max Sessions
  • Miss Latch
  • PGA
  • PGA Aggregate target
  • PHI/O Datafile Reads
  • PHI/O Datafile Writes
  • PHI/O Redo Writes
  • Pin hit ratio - BODY
  • Pin hit ratio - SQLAREA
  • Pin hit ratio - TABLE-PROCEDURE
  • Pin hit ratio - TRIGGER
  • Pool dict cache
  • Pool free mem
  • Pool lib cache
  • Pool misc
  • Pool sql area
  • Processes
  • Session Active
  • Session Inactive
  • Sessions
  • Session System
  • SGA buffer cache
  • SGA fixed
  • SGA java pool
  • SGA large pool
  • SGA log buffer
  • SGA shared pool
  • Uptime
  • Waits Controlfile I/O
  • Waits direct path read
  • Waits File I/O
  • Waits Logsync
  • Waits Logwrite
  • Waits multiblock read
  • Waits single block read
  • Waits SQLNet
  • Inst ID
  • Instance Number
  • Instance Name
  • Instance Hostname
  • Instance Version
  • Instance Startup Time
  • Instance Status
  • Instance Parallel
  • Instance Thread No
  • Instance Archiver
  • Instance Log Switch Wait
  • Instance Logins
  • Instance Pending Shutdown
  • Instance Database Status
  • Instance Role
  • Instance Active State
  • Instance Blocked
  • Instance Con ID
  • Instance Mode
  • Instance Edition
  • Instance Family
  • Instance Database Type