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Data Structures and Algorithms project was part of the CITS2200 unit at the University of Western Australia

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Data Structures and Algorithms Project

CITS2200 - Data Structures and Algorithms

The University of Western Australia

Problem Specification

You must implement the following four functions, and provide a report on your implementations.

All questions consider a theoretical model of a computer network. This network contains N distinct devices, each of which is assigned a unique integer id in the range 0 to N. A pair of devices in the network can be physically linked such that one device is able to transmit network packets to the other. It is not necessarily the case that a physical link can be used to transmit in both directions, but some links may be. If a pair of devices are not physically linked, they are still able to transmit network packets if there is a sequence of physical links from the sending device to the receiving device such that the packet can be passed along via multiple devices to reach its destination. The number of physical links a packet passes through to reach its destination is called the number of hops it takes or the distance it travels.

For each of the below functions, a specification of the structure of the network is passed as an int[][] argument called adjlist . A device with id v is considered adjacent to a device with id u if they are physically linked such that u is able to transmit a packet directly to v . The array adjlist[u] is a list of all the device ids that are adjacent to u . For example, if adjlist[1] is the array {0, 2} , this means that device 1 is able to transmit packets to devices 0 and 2.

public boolean allDevicesConnected(int[][] adjlist)

Determine if all of the devices in the network are connected to the network. Devices are considered to be connected to the network if they can transmit (including via other devices) to every other device in the network. If all devices in the network are connected, then return true , and return false otherwise

public int numPaths(int[][] adjlist, int src, int dst)

Determine the number of different paths a packet can take in the network to get from a transmitting device to a receiving device. A device will only transmit a packet to a device that is closer to the destination, where the distance to the destination is the minimum number of hops between a device and the destination

public int[] closestInSubnet(int[][] adjlist, short[][] addrs, int src, short[][] queries)

Compute the minimum number of hops required to reach a device in each subnet query. Each device has an associated IP address. An IP address is here represented as an array of exactly four integers between 0 and 255 inclusive (for example, {192, 168, 1, 1} ). Each query specifies a subnet address. A subnet address is specified as an array of up to four integers between 0 and 255. An IP address is considered to be in a subnet if the subnet address is a prefix of the IP address (for example, {192, 168, 1, 1} is in subnet {192, 168} but not in {192, 168, 2} ). For each query, compute the minimum number of hops required to reach some device in the specified subnet. If no device in that subnet is reachable, return Integer.MAX_VALUE.

public int maxDownloadSpeed(int[][] adjlist, int[][] speeds, int src, int dst)

Compute the maximum possible download speed from a transmitting device to a receiving device. The download may travel through more than one path simultaneously, and you can assume that there is no other traffic in the network. If the transmitting and receiving devices are the same, then you should return -1 .

Each link in the network has a related speed at the same index in the speeds array (e.g. the link described at adjlist[0][1] has its related speed at speeds[0][1] ). Speeds may be asymmetric (that is - the speed in one direction of a link may be different to the speed in the other direction of a link).



Data Structures and Algorithms project was part of the CITS2200 unit at the University of Western Australia





