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enyo components using twitter bootstrap mport React from 'react'; import TableHeader from 'material-ui/lib/table/table-header'; import TableRow from 'material-ui/lib/table/table-row'; import TableRowColumn from 'material-ui/lib/table/table-row-column'; import TableHeaderColumn from 'material-ui/lib/table/table-header-column'; import Table from 'material-ui/lib/table/table'; import TableBody from 'material-ui/lib/table/table-body'; import {blueGrey600} from 'material-ui/lib/styles/colors';

const styles = { objectSeparator: {borderBottom: '1px', borderBottomStyle: 'solid', borderBottomColor: blueGrey600} };

const SIMPLE_TYPES = new Set(['boolean', 'string', 'number', 'date']);

function getObjectCell1(val, typeConfig, formatter) { if (val && typeConfig) { const typeFields = Object.keys(typeConfig), attributes = [];

    typeFields.forEach((field, i) => {
        const fieldTypeConfig = typeConfig[field];
        if (isVisible(fieldTypeConfig)) {
            let style = i < typeFields.length - 1 ? styles.objectSeparator : {},
                value = val[field];
            if (formatter) {
                value = formatter(value);
            if (value === undefined) {
                value = "-";
                style.textAlign = 'center';
            attributes.push((<div key={`atr-${i}`} style={style}>{value}</div>));
    return attributes;


function getObjectAttributeNamesCell(typeConfig) { if (typeConfig) { const typeFields = Object.keys(typeConfig), attributes = []; typeFields.forEach((field, i) => { const fieldTypeConfig = typeConfig[field]; if (isVisible(fieldTypeConfig)) { let style = i < typeFields.length - 1 ? styles.objectSeparator : undefined, value = fieldTypeConfig.title; attributes.push((<div key={atr-${i}} style={style}>{value})); } }); return attributes; } }

function getSimpleCell(value, formatter, colConfig) { if (formatter) { value = formatter(value); } return (

) } function getCell(id, value, colConfig, types) { const {type, formatter} = colConfig;

const tdStyle = {paddingLeft: '0px', paddingRight: '0px'};
if (type && SIMPLE_TYPES.has(type.toLowerCase())) {
    return [(
        <TableRowColumn key={id} style={tdStyle}>{getSimpleCell(value, formatter, colConfig)} </TableRowColumn>)];
let typeConfig = types[type];
return [(<TableRowColumn key={id} style={tdStyle}>{getObjectCell1(value, typeConfig, formatter)}</TableRowColumn>),
    (<TableRowColumn key={`val${id}`}


function isVisible(visibleObject) { return visibleObject && visibleObject.visible; }

function getDataContent(data, colConfigs, types) { const rows = []; let {columns} = data, index = 0, stop = false, m = 0; while (!stop) { const col = [], prefixCols = []; columns.forEach((column, cid)=> { const {values} = column, colConfig = colConfigs[]; if (isVisible(colConfig)) { let cellSpec = getCell(${index}-${cid}, values[index], colConfig, types); col[colConfig.index] = cellSpec[0]; if (cellSpec.length > 0 && prefixCols.length === 0) { prefixCols.push(cellSpec[1]); } } m = Math.max(m, values.length); }); rows.push(({col.concat(prefixCols)})); index += 1; if (index >= m) { stop = true; }

return rows;


function getHeader(configCols) { const headSpec = [], configColName = Object.keys(configCols); if (configCols) { return ( { configColName.reduce((h, cName)=> { let c = configCols[cName], title = c.title ||; if (c.showTitle !== undefined && !c.showTitle) { title = ''; } if (c.visible) { h.push((<TableHeaderColumn id={} style={{paddingLeft: '0px', paddingRight:'0px'}}>

)); } return h; }, headSpec) } ) } return (); } /**

  • Prepares a table configuration
  • @param data - table data in format {columns:[{id: 'c1', values: [1, 2, 3]}]}
  • @param config configuration data in format {columns: [{id: 'c1', type: string, visible:true}]}
  • @returns {*|{}} containing a hashed by column id configuration
  • @private */ function _getDefaultConfig(data, config) { if (config && config.columns) { //if a config is provided hash-it and return it return config.columns.reduce((m, c, index)=> { c.index = index; m[] = c; return m; }, {}); } if (data && data.columns) {// otherwise extract the config from table definition return data.columns.reduce((m, col, index) => { m[] = {id:, type: col.type, title: col.title, visible: true, index}; return m; }, {}); } }

class ColumnTable extends React.Component {

render() {
    const {config, data}  = this.props;
    const columns = _getDefaultConfig(data, config);
    return (
        <Table selectable={false} fixedHeader={true} height="600px">
                {getDataContent(data, columns, (config && config.types) || {})}
        </Table> );


export default ColumnTable;


enyo components using twitter bootstrap






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