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Building with VS2010 Express

Chris West edited this page Sep 21, 2015 · 6 revisions

This is outdated. The VS project files are no-longer shipped, and must be generated, which is quite involved.

There is a hard-mode build guide for VS2015, which you can use instead.

  1. Download Visual C++ 2010 Express VS 2010 Express download page

  2. Install it. All of the default options are fine. It will tick through quite a few steps. Visual C++ 2010 installer

  3. Install Github for Windows Github for Windows install

  4. Clone in Windows from Github. Clone in Desktop

  5. Open project directory from Github for Windows. open in explorer button in GHFW

  6. Double-click putty.sln, the PuTTY Microsoft Visual Studio Solution. putty.sln in Explorer

  7. Right click "putty" in the tree on the left, and select "Start new instance" from the "Debug" submenu. Start new instance for putty

  8. Tada! PuTTY running in the debugger

  9. Use "quick find" (ctrl+f) in "Entire Solution" to search for "Basic options": find in files, not quick find, ho ho

  10. Open the result by double-clicking on it in the Find Results pane Find Results

  11. Change the string however you feel, and run again (as per step 7) to see the result the descriptions bar has a "woo!" in it

  12. Commit. GHFW commit dialog

  13. Change the whitespace settings so you can see what you're doing. PuTTY expects you to use a "tab size" of 8, and an "indent size" of 4. For this reason, it's probably better to set it not to use tabs. VS2010 tab settings dialog