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Peachpied Symfony

Symfony 4.2.3 framework nugetized and compiled to C# using peachpie, the PHP compiler (


  • PHP 5.3.2+ with openssl extension
  • Nuget Package Manager 5.0+

Directory structure:

  • Docs
    • The project is both Bachelor thesis and Semestral project - documentations for each can be found there.
    • The Semestral Project docs might be little obsolete as the project continued to develop after meeting the requiremnets of a semestral project.
  • Examples
    • Contains two projects demonstrating possible usage.
    • Twig-Razor-Only - pure .NET Core application using both Razor and Twig template languages without including any Symfony project.
    • Twig-Razor-Full-Page - .NET Core application using Symfony, displaying interoperability of Razor and Twig within both environments.
  • Libs
    • Contains a set of .dlls that are used during Symfony components building.
    • These will be hopefully embedded into SDK in the future to avoid the necessity for this kind of providing.
    • In case of issues, delete content of this folder and publish the /Tools/BuildGen project as described here.
  • Nuget-Repository
    • Contains nuget packages for Symfony components and other provided tools.
  • Peachpied.Symfony
    • Dev directory with Peachpied.Symfony.AspNetCore project, former Symfony 4.2.3 components, Peachpied.Symfony.Skeleton project and an empty page using Symfony.
  • Props
    • Collective build settings for packages' .msbuildproj configurations.
  • Tools
    • Helper tools that automatize processes of compilation of both Symfony components and resulting .NET Core apps are located here.


  • Nuget.config
    • File defining Nuget-Repository as local nuget repository for provided tools and nugets.
    • Hopefully, nugets will be distributed in the more standard way in the future.
  • global.json
    • File globally controlling used Peachpie SDK version.
  • libsConfig.json
    • File for per-component configuration of Symfony components' compilation.
    • In addition to default includes and excludes specified in the Props/compilationConfig.props, one can define additional ones/overrides for each version of the Symfony component using this file.
    • Aside from that, Symfony components occasionally containt circular non-dev dependencies that the application can't resolve automatically. These needs to be resolved manually using the ignoredDependencies key.
    • In case of repetitive values for different versions of componnets, it is possible to use the default key instead of the version one. In case the version key of compiled package can't be found, app searches for the default key and applies config from there => both keys can't be used at the same time for one component.