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Getting started

Finn Dilan edited this page Aug 18, 2023 · 4 revisions

Project Installation

For user's

Just download the release in our Github repository, you find it on the right hand site or click here.

For contributor or developer


  • Qt Creator / Visual Studio Code
  • Qt 6.5.2
  • C++17
  • QMake


Create your own fork of our project and work on it the way you like. You can open a pull request and we will review it. Note that we also look on the way your code is written, please use best practices and clean code with Doxygen documentation from the start, it is highly appreciated. Just look into our code for examples.


Qt Creator

  1. Open the project in Qt Creator
  2. Select the build directory
  3. Build the project

Visual Studio Code

  1. Open the project in Visual Studio Code
  2. Select the build directory
  3. Build the project


  1. Open the project in your terminal
  2. Select the build directory
  3. Build the project