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Common Terms and Privacy Policy for FinTechChef Application(s)

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FinTechChef License Terms

Thank you for choosing FinTechChef to enhance your productivity!


Terms of Service

Updated on: 15th March 2021.
Effective Date: 19th April 2021.


By accepting these Terms or using the service and software, you agree to all these terms and consent to the transmission of certain information during registration of system and during your use of the software pursuant to the FinTechChef Privacy Policy described in the FinTechChef Privacy Policy and linked below in this Terms. If you do not accept and comply with these terms, you may not use the services, software or their features.

  • Parts of this Agreement

This Agreement consists of the following terms and conditions (hereinafter the “General Terms”) and terms and conditions, if any, specific to use of individual Services (hereinafter the “Service Specific Terms”). The General Terms and Service Specific Terms are collectively referred to as the “Terms”. In the event of a conflict between the General Terms and Service Specific Terms, the Service Specific Terms shall prevail.

  • Acceptance of the Terms

You must be of legal age to enter into a binding agreement in order to accept the Terms. If you do not agree to the General Terms, do not use any of our Services (including Products). If you agree to the General Terms and do not agree to any Service Specific Terms, do not use the corresponding Service. You can accept the Terms by checking a checkbox or clicking on a button indicating your acceptance of the terms or by actually using the Services.

  • Description of Service

We provide an array of services for online collaboration, offline business productivity and management including word processor, spreadsheet, presentation tool, database application creator, email client, chat client, organizer, customer relationship management application and project management application ("Service" or "Services"). You may use the Services for your personal and business use or for internal business purpose in the organization that you represent. You may connect to the Services using any Internet browser supported by the Services. You are responsible for obtaining access to the Internet and the equipment necessary to use the Services.

  • Subscription to Beta Service

We may offer certain Services as closed or open beta services ("Beta Service" or “Beta Services”) for the purpose of testing and evaluation. You agree that we have the sole authority and discretion to determine the period of time for testing and evaluation of Beta Services. We will be the sole judge of the success of such testing and the decision, if any, to offer the Beta Services as commercial services. You will be under no obligation to acquire a subscription to use any paid Service as a result of your subscription to any Beta Service. We reserve the right to fully or partially discontinue, at any time and from time to time, temporarily or permanently, any of the Beta Services with or without notice to you. You agree that FinTechChef will not be liable to you or to any third party for any harm related to, arising out of, or caused by the modification, suspension or discontinuance of any of the Beta Services for any reason.

  • Modification of Terms of Service

(a) We may modify the Terms at any time without any prior notice to you untill the modification is going to make you liable to us or enhance your liability towards us in monetary terms. (b) However, in case(s) other than point (a), We will modify the Terms upon notice to you at any time through a service announcement or by sending email to your primary email (shared with us through Application Registration Software) address. If we make significant changes to the Terms that increase your existing monetary liability toward us, you will be provided with at least 30 days advance notice of the changes by email to your primary email address. You may terminate your use of the Services by providing FinTechChef notice by email within 30 days of being notified of the availability of the modified Terms. Your continued use of the Service after the effective date of any change to the Terms will be deemed to be your agreement to the modified Terms.

  • User Sign up Obligations

You need to sign up for a user account or register your system by providing all required information in order to access or use the Services. If you represent an organization and wish to use the Services for corporate internal use, we recommend that you, and all other users from your organization, sign up for user accounts or register their system by providing your corporate contact information. In particular, we recommend that you use your corporate email address. You agree to: a) provide true, accurate, current and complete information about yourself as prompted by the sign up or registration process; and b) maintain and promptly update the information provided during sign up or registration to keep it true, accurate, current, and complete. If you provide any information that is untrue, inaccurate, outdated, or incomplete, or if FinTechChef has reasonable grounds to suspect that such information is untrue, inaccurate, outdated, or incomplete, FinTechChef may terminate your user account and/or system registration and refuse current or future use of any or all of the Services.

  • Personal Information and Privacy

Personal information you provide to FinTechChef through the Service is governed by FinTechChef Privacy Policy. Your election to use the Service or software(s) indicates your acceptance of the terms of the FinTechChef Privacy Policy. You are responsible for maintaining confidentiality of your username, password and other sensitive information. You are responsible for all activities that occur in your user account and your system and you agree to inform us immediately of any unauthorized use of your user account or system registration details by email to . We are not responsible for any loss or damage to you or to any third party incurred as a result of any unauthorized access and/or use of your user account or system registration details, or otherwise.

  • Communications from FinTechChef

The Service and use of Software(s) may include certain communications from FinTechChef, such as service announcements, administrative messages and newsletters. You understand that these communications shall be considered part of using the Services and Softwares. As part of our policy to provide you total privacy, we also provide you the option of opting out from receiving newsletters from us. However, you will not be able to opt-out from receiving service announcements and administrative messages.

  • Complaints

If we receive a complaint from any person against you with respect to your activities as part of use of the Services and Softwares, we will forward the complaint to the primary email address of your user account. You must respond to the complainant directly within 10 days of receiving the complaint forwarded by us and copy FinTechChef in the communication. If you do not respond to the complainant within 10 days from the date of our email to you, we may disclose your name and contact information to the complainant for enabling the complainant to take legal action against you. You understand that your failure to respond to the forwarded complaint within the 10 days’ time limit will be construed as your consent to disclosure of your name and contact information by FinTechChef to the complainant.

  • Fees and Payments

The Services and Softwares are available under subscription plans of various durations. Payments for subscription plans can be made only by digital payment system. Your subscription will be automatically renewed at the end of each subscription period unless you downgrade your paid subscription plan to a free plan or inform us that you do not wish to renew the subscription. If you do not wish to renew the subscription, you must inform us at least seven days prior to the renewal date. If you have not downgraded to a free plan and if you have not informed us that you do not wish to renew the subscription, you will be presumed to have authorized FinTechChef to renew your plan and raise a bill for the same to you as per current market rate of that plan (if any).

From time to time, we may change the price of any Service and Software or charge for use of Services that are currently available free of charge. Any increase in charges will not apply until the expiry of your then current billing cycle. You will not be charged for using any Service unless you have opted for a paid subscription plan.

  • Restrictions on Use

In addition to all other terms and conditions of this Agreement, you shall not: (i) transfer the Services and/or Softwares or otherwise make it available to any third party; (ii) provide any service and/or software based on the Services and/or Softwares without prior written permission; (iii) use the third party links to sites without agreeing to their website terms & conditions; (iv) post links to third party sites or use their logo, company name, etc. without their prior written permission; (v) publish any personal or confidential information belonging to any person or entity without obtaining consent from such person or entity; (vi) use the Services in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, impair or harm any server, network, computer system, resource of FinTechChef; (vii) violate any applicable local, state, national or international law; and (viii) create a false identity to mislead any person as to the identity or origin of any communication.

  • Spamming and Illegal Activities

You agree to be solely responsible for the contents of your transmissions through the Services and/or Softwares. You agree not to use the Services and/or Softwares for illegal purposes or for the transmission of material that is unlawful, defamatory, harassing, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, pornographic, obscene, or is otherwise objectionable, offends religious sentiments, promotes racism, contains viruses or malicious code, or that which infringes or may infringe intellectual property or other rights of another. You agree not to use the Services for the transmission of "junk mail", "spam", "chain letters", “phishing” or unsolicited mass distribution of email. We reserve the right to terminate your access to the Services and/or Softwares if there are reasonable grounds to believe that you have used the Services for any illegal or unauthorized activity.

  • Inactive User Accounts Policy

We reserve the right to terminate unpaid user accounts that are inactive for a continuous period of 45 days. In the event of such termination, all data associated with such user account will be deleted. We will provide you prior notice of such termination and option to back-up your data. The data deletion policy may be implemented with respect to any or all of the Services and/or Softwares. Each Service will be considered an independent and separate service for the purpose of calculating the period of inactivity. In other words, activity in one of the Services is not sufficient to keep your user account in another Service active. In case of accounts with more than one user, if at least one of the users is active, the account will not be considered inactive.

  • Data Ownership

We respect your right to ownership of content created or stored by you. You own the content created or stored by you. Unless specifically permitted by you, your use of the Services does not grant FinTechChef the license to use, reproduce, adapt, modify, publish or distribute the content created by you or stored in your user account for FinTechChef's commercial, marketing or any similar purpose. But you grant FinTechChef permission to access, copy, distribute, store, transmit, reformat, publicly display and publicly perform the content of your user account solely as required for the purpose of providing the Services to you.

  • User Generated Content

You may transmit or publish content created by you using any of the Services and/or Softwares or otherwise. However, you shall be solely responsible for such content and the consequences of its transmission or publication. Any content made public will be publicly accessible through the internet and may be crawled and indexed by search engines. You are responsible for ensuring that you do not accidentally make any private content publicly available. Any content that you may receive from other users of the Services and/or Softwares, is provided to you AS IS for your information and personal use only and you agree not to use, copy, reproduce, distribute, transmit, broadcast, display, sell, license or otherwise exploit such content for any purpose, without the express written consent of the person who owns the rights to such content. In the course of using any of the Services, if you come across any content with copyright notice(s) or any copy protection feature(s), you agree not to remove such copyright notice(s) or disable such copy protection feature(s) as the case may be. By making any copyrighted/copyrightable content available on any of the Services you affirm that you have the consent, authorization or permission, as the case may be from every person who may claim any rights in such content to make such content available in such manner. Further, by making any content available in the manner aforementioned, you expressly agree that FinTechChef will have the right to block access to or remove such content made available by you if FinTechChef receives complaints concerning any illegality or infringement of third party rights in such content. By using any of the Services and transmitting or publishing any content using such Service, you expressly consent to determination of questions of illegality or infringement of third party rights in such content by the agent designated by FinTechChef for this purpose.

  • Sample files and Applications

FinTechChef may provide sample files and applications for the purpose of demonstrating the possibility of using the Services and/or Softwares effectively for specific purposes. The information contained in any such sample files and applications consists of random data. FinTechChef makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to the accuracy, usefulness, completeness or reliability of the information or the sample files and applications.

  • Trademark

FinTechChef, FinTechChef logo, the names of individual Services and their logos are trademarks of FinTechChef. You agree not to display or use, in any manner, the FinTechChef trademarks, without FinTechChef’s prior permission.

  • Disclaimer of Warranties


  • Limitation of Liability


  • Indemnification

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless FinTechChef, its officers, directors, employees, suppliers, and affiliates, from and against any losses, damages, fines and expenses (including attorney's fees and costs) arising out of or relating to any claims that you have used the Services and/or Softwares in violation of another party's rights, in violation of any law, in violations of any provisions of the Terms, or any other claim related to your use of the Services and/or Softwares, except where such use is authorized by FinTechChef.

  • Arbitration

Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to the Terms shall be settled by binding arbitration in accordance with the commercial arbitration rules of the Indian Arbitration Association. Any such controversy or claim shall be arbitrated on an individual basis, and shall not be consolidated in any arbitration with any claim or controversy of any other party. The decision of the arbitrator shall be final and unappealable. The arbitration shall be conducted in Bihar, India and judgment on the arbitration award may be entered into any court having jurisdiction thereof. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, FinTechChef may at any time seek injunctions or other forms of equitable relief from any court of competent jurisdiction.

  • Suspension and Termination

We may suspend your user account or temporarily disable access to whole or part of any Service and/or software in the event of any suspected illegal activity, extended periods of inactivity or requests by law enforcement or other government agencies. Objections to suspension or disabling of user accounts should be made to within thirty days of being notified about the suspension. We may terminate a suspended or disabled user account after thirty days. We will also terminate your user account on your request.

In addition, we reserve the right to terminate your user account and deny the Services and/or Softwares upon reasonable belief that you have violated the Terms and to terminate your access to any Beta Service in case of unexpected technical issues or discontinuation of the Beta Service. You have the right to terminate your user account if FinTechChef breaches its obligations under these Terms and in such event, you will be entitled to prorated refund of any prepaid fees. Termination of user account will include denial of access to all Services, deletion of information in your user account such as your email address and password and license key granted (if any) and deletion of all data in your user account.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Agreement, please contact us at

FinTechChef Privacy Policy

Summary of our Privacy Policy

This is a summary of our privacy policy which takes effect on March 22nd, 2021. It covers every FinTechChef website and software(s) that links here, and all of the products and services and/or softwares contained on those websites. The detailed policy follows the same structure as this summary and constitutes the actual legal document.

Our privacy commitment: FinTechChef has never sold your information to someone else for advertising, and we never will. This policy tells you what information we do collect from you, what we do with it, who can access it, and what you can do about it.

Part I – Information FinTechChef collects and controls

We only collect the information that we actually need. Some of that is information that you actively give us when you sign up for an account or register your system for Access Permission, register for an event, ask for customer support, or buy something from us. We store your name and contact information.

When you visit one of our websites or use our software, we automatically log some basic information like how you got to the site, where you navigated within it, and what features and settings you use. We use this information to improve our websites and services and to drive new product development.

Sometimes we receive information indirectly. If you ask about our products through one of our referral programs or reselling partners, or sign in to one of our products through an authentication service provider like LinkedIn or Google, they'll pass on your contact information to us. We'll use that information to complete the request that you made. If you engage with our brand on social media (for instance, liking, commenting, retweeting, mentioning, or following us), we'll have access to your interactions and profile information. We'll still have that information even if you later remove it from the social media site.

What we do with your information

We use your information to provide the services you've requested, create and maintain your accounts, and keep an eye out for unauthorized activity on your accounts and/or unauthorized access to our software(s). We also use it to communicate with you about the products you're currently using, your customer support requests, new products you may like, chances for you to give us feedback, and policy updates. We analyze the information we collect to understand user needs and to improve our websites and services.

We're required to have a legal basis for collecting and processing your information. In most cases, we either have your consent or need the information to provide the service you've requested from us. When that's not the case, we must demonstrate that we have another legal basis, such as our legitimate business interests.

You can decline certain kinds of information use either by not providing the information in the first place or by opting out later. You can also disable cookies to prevent your browser from giving us information, but if you do so, certain website features may not work properly. We completely disable third-party cookies from all FinTechChef websites and products.

We limit access to your personal information to our employees and contractors who have a legitimate need to use it. If we share your information with other parties (like developers, service providers, domain registrars, and reselling partners), they must have appropriate security measures and a valid reason for using your information, typically to serve you.

We keep your personal information for as long as it is required for the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy. When we no longer have a legitimate need to process your information, we will delete, anonymize, or isolate your information, whichever is appropriate.

Part II – Information that FinTechChef processes on your behalf

If you handle other people's data using FinTechChef apps, such as information about your customers or employees, you are entrusting that data to us for processing. If you use a FinTechChef mobile app and give the app access to your contacts and photo library, you are entrusting data to us. The data you entrust to us for processing is called service data.

You own your service data. We protect it, limit access to it, and only process it according to your instructions. You may access it, share it through third-party integrations, and request that we export or delete it.

We hold the data in your account as long as you choose to use FinTechChef Services and/or Softwares. After you terminate your account, your data will be automatically deleted from our active database within 6 months and from our backups within 3 months after that.

Part III – General

There are some limitations to the privacy we can promise you. We will disclose personal information if it's necessary to comply with a legal obligation, prevent fraud, enforce an agreement, or protect our users' safety. We do not currently honor Do Not Track signals from internet browsers; when a universal standard for processing them emerges, we will follow it.

Third-party websites and social media widgets have their own separate privacy policies. Always check the relevant privacy policy before sharing personal information with third parties.

You can always contact us to: ask questions about our privacy practices, alert us if you believe we have collected personal data from a minor, or ask to have your personal information removed from our blogs or forums.

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy statement is made by the FinTechChef consisting of all the entities (collectively, "FinTechChef", "we", "us" or "our") and is effective as of 22nd March 2021.

FinTechChef’s Privacy Commitment

FinTechChef has worried about customer and user privacy, although it became fashionable, politically correct, or legally binding to take such a position. We ask for only the least amount of information necessary, gathering only what we believe is essential for doing business, or for the specific transaction at hand. We let customers know the information we have on them and allow them to opt out of specific engagements.

The goal of this policy is to make explicit the information we gather on our customers and users, how we will use it, and how we will not. This policy is unfortunately longer than we would like, but we must unambiguously address all the relevant cases. We will try and keep the language simple and direct as much as possible.

Scope of this Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to all FinTechChef websites and/or software(s) that link to it. It also applies to the products and services provided by FinTechChef through these websites, our mobile applications, and applications posted by FinTechChef on FinTechChef’s online marketplace and in other third-party online marketplaces. This Privacy Policy does not apply to any of our websites, products or services that have a separate privacy policy.

This Privacy Policy is divided into three parts:

Part I – Information FinTechChef collects and controls

This part deals with how FinTechChef collects and uses information about website visitors, potential customers, users of FinTechChef's products and services and/or softwares, and others who contact FinTechChef through forms or email addresses published on or linked to our websites.

Part II – Information that FinTechChef processes on your behalf

This part deals with how FinTechChef handles data that you entrust to FinTechChef when you use our products and services, or when you share any personal or confidential information with us while requesting customer support.

Part III – General

This part deals with topics that are relevant to both Parts I and II, and other general topics such as FinTechChef's security commitments and how we will inform you when we change this Privacy Policy.

Part I – Information FinTechChef collects and controls

What information FinTechChef collects

We collect information about you and your computer system only if we need the information for some legitimate purpose. FinTechChef will have information about you and your computer system only if (a) you have provided the information yourself, (b) FinTechChef has automatically collected the information, or (c) FinTechChef has obtained the information from a third party. Below we describe the various scenarios that fall under each of those three categories and the information collected in each one.

Information that you provide us

  1. Account signup and/or System registration: When you sign up for an account and/or make system registration to access one or more of our services and/or softwares, we ask for information like your name, contact number, email address, company name and country to complete the account signup process. You'll also be required to choose a unique username and a password for accessing the created account. You may also provide us with more information such as your photo, time zone and language, but we don’t require that information to sign up for an account. After signing up, you will have the option of choosing a security question and an answer to the security question — if you provide these, they will be used only while resetting your password.
  2. Event registrations and other form submissions: We record information that you submit when you (i) register for any event, including webinars or seminars, (ii) subscribe to our newsletter or any other mailing list, (iii) submit a form in order to download any product, whitepaper, or other materials, (iv) participate in contests or respond to surveys, or (v) submit a form to request customer support or to contact FinTechChef for any other purpose.
  3. Payment processing: When you buy something from us, we ask you to provide your name, contact information, and credit card information or other payment account information. When you submit your card information, we store the name and address of the cardholder, the expiry date and the last four digits of the credit card number. We do not store the actual credit card number. For quick processing of future payments, if you have given us your approval, we may store your credit card information or other payment information in an encrypted format in the secured servers of our Payment Gateway Service Providers.
  4. Testimonials: When you authorize us to post testimonials about our products and services on websites, we may include your name and other personal information in the testimonial. You will be given an opportunity to review and approve the testimonial before we post it. If you wish to update or delete your testimonial, you can contact us at
  5. Interactions with FinTechChef: We may record, analyze and use your interactions with us, including email, telephone, and chat conversations with our sales and customer support professionals, for improving our interactions with you and other customers.

Information that we collect automatically

  1. Information from browsers, devices and servers: When you visit our websites, we collect information that web browsers, mobile devices and servers make available, such as the internet protocol address, browser type, language preference, time zone, referring URL, date and time of access, operating system, mobile device manufacturer and mobile network information. We include these in our log files to understand more about visitors to our websites.
  2. Information from first party cookies and tracking technologies: We use temporary and permanent cookies to identify users of our services and to enhance user experience. We embed unique identifiers in our downloadable products to track usage of the products. We also use cookies, beacons, tags, scripts, and other similar technologies to identify visitors, track website navigation, gather demographic information about visitors and users, understand email campaign effectiveness and for targeted visitor and user engagement by tracking your activities on our websites. We also use first-party Local Storage Objects (LSOs) such as HTML5 to store content information and preferences to provide certain features.
  3. Information from application logs and mobile analytics: We collect information about your use of our products, services and mobile applications from application logs and in-house usage analytics tools, and use it to understand how your business use and needs can improve our products. This information includes clicks, scrolls, features accessed, access time and frequency, errors generated, performance data, storage utilized, user settings and configurations, and devices used to access and their locations.

Information that we collect from third parties

  1. Signups using federated authentication service providers: You can log in to FinTechChef Services using supported federated authentication service providers such as LinkedIn, Microsoft and Google. These services will authenticate your identity and give you the option to share certain personal information with us, such as your name and email address.
  2. Referrals: If someone has referred any of our products or services to you through any of our referral programs, that person may have provided us your name, email address and other personal information. You may contact us at to request that we remove your information from our database. If you provide us information about another person, or if another person gives us your information, we will only use that information for the specific reason for which it was provided to us.
  3. Information from our reselling partners and service providers: If you contact any of our reselling partners, or otherwise express interest in any of our products or services to them, the reselling partner may pass your name, email address, company name and other information to FinTechChef. If you register for or attend an event that is sponsored by FinTechChef, the event organizer may share your information with us. FinTechChef may also receive information about you from review sites if you comment on any review of our products and services, and from other third-party service providers that we engage for marketing our products and services.
  4. Information from social media sites and other publicly available sources: When you interact or engage with us on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Instagram through posts, comments, questions and other interactions, we may collect such publicly available information, including profile information, to allow us to connect with you, improve our products, or better understand user reactions and issues. We must tell you that once collected, this information may remain with us even if you delete it from the social media sites. FinTechChef may also add and update information about you, from other publicly available sources.

Purposes for using information

In addition to the purposes mentioned above, we may use your information for the following purposes:
  • To communicate with you (such as through email) about products that you have downloaded and services that you have signed up for, changes to this Privacy Policy, changes to the Terms of Service, or important notices;
  • To keep you posted on new products and services, upcoming events, offers, promotions and other information that we think will be of interest to you;
  • To ask you to participate in surveys, or to solicit feedback on our products and services;
  • To set up and maintain your account, and to do all other things required for providing our services, such as enabling collaboration, providing website and mail hosting, and backing up and restoring your data;
  • To understand how users use our products and services, to monitor and prevent problems, and to improve our products and services;
  • To provide customer support, and to analyze and improve our interactions with customers;
  • To detect and prevent fraudulent transactions and other illegal activities, to report spam, and to protect the rights and interests of FinTechChef, FinTechChef's users, third parties and the public;
  • To update, expand and analyze our records, identify new customers, and provide products and services that may be of interest to you;
  • To analyze trends, administer our websites, and track visitor navigations on our websites to understand what visitors are looking for and to better help them;
  • To monitor and improve marketing campaigns and make suggestions relevant to the user.

Your choice in information use

Opt out of non-essential electronic communications: You may opt out of receiving newsletters and other non-essential messages by using the ‘unsubscribe’ function included in all such messages. However, you will continue to receive notices and essential transactional emails.

Disable cookies: You can disable browser cookies before visiting our websites. However, if you do so, you may not be able to use certain features of the websites properly.

Optional information: You can choose not to provide optional profile information such as your photo. You can also delete or change your optional profile information. You can always choose not to fill in non-mandatory fields when you submit any form linked to our websites.

Who we share your information with

All FinTechChef group entities have access to the information covered in Part I. We do not sell any personal information. We share your information only in the ways that are described in this Privacy Policy, and only with parties who adopt appropriate confidentiality and security measures.

Employees and independent contractors: Employees and independent contractors of all FinTechChef group entities have access to the information covered in Part I on a need-to-know basis. We require all employees and independent contractors of FinTechChef group entities to follow this Privacy Policy for personal information that we share with them.

Third-party service providers: We may need to share your personal information and aggregated or de-identified information with third-party service providers that we engage, such as marketing and advertising partners, event organizers, web analytics providers and payment processors. These service providers are authorized to use your personal information only as necessary to provide these services to us.

Domain registrars: When you register a domain through FinTechChef from domain name registrars, we share your name and contact information such as your physical address, email address and phone number with them as per the ICANN domain registration rules.

Reselling partners: We may share your personal information with our authorized reselling partners in your region, solely for the purpose of contacting you about products that you have downloaded or services that you have signed up for. We will give you an option to opt out of continuing to work with that partner.

Marketplace application developers: When you install or purchase any application developed using FinTechChef's APIs that is posted on FinTechChef's online marketplace, your name and email address will be shared with the developer of the application, so they may engage with you directly as the provider of that application or service. FinTechChef does not control the use of your personal information by the developers, which will be based on their own privacy policies.

Other cases: Other scenarios in which we may share the same information covered under Parts I and II are described in Part III.

Your rights with respect to information we hold about you as a controller

Right to access: You have the right to access (and obtain a copy of, if required) the categories of personal information that we hold about you, including the information's source, purpose and period of processing, and the persons to whom the information is shared.

Right to rectification: You have the right to update the information we hold about you or to rectify any inaccuracies. Based on the purpose for which we use your information, you can instruct us to add supplemental information about you in our database.

Right to erasure: You have the right to request that we delete your personal information in certain circumstances, such as when it is no longer necessary for the purpose for which it was originally collected.

Right to restriction of processing: You may also have the right to request to restrict the use of your information in certain circumstances, such as when you have objected to our use of your data but we need to verify whether we have overriding legitimate grounds to use it.

Right to data portability: You have the right to transfer your information to a third party in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, in circumstances where the information is processed with your consent or by automated means.

Right to object: You have the right to object to the use of your information in certain circumstances, such as the use of your personal information for direct marketing.

Right to complain: You have the right to complain to the appropriate supervisory authority if you have any grievance against the way we collect, use or share your information. This right may not be available to you if there is no supervisory authority dealing with data protection in your country.

Retention of information

We retain your personal information for as long as it is required for the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy. Sometimes, we may retain your information for longer periods as permitted or required by law, such as to maintain suppression lists, prevent abuse, if required in connection with a legal claim or proceeding, to enforce our agreements, for tax, accounting, or to comply with other legal obligations. When we no longer have a legitimate need to process your information, we will delete or anonymize your information from our active databases. We will also securely store the information and isolate it from further processing on backup discs until deletion is possible.

Part II – Information that FinTechChef processes on your behalf

Information entrusted to FinTechChef and purpose

Information provided in connection with services: You may entrust information that you or your organization (“you”) control, to FinTechChef in connection with use of our services or for requesting technical support for our products. This includes information regarding your customers and your employees (if you are a controller) or data that you hold and use on behalf of another person for a specific purpose, such as a customer to whom you provide services (if you are a processor). The data may either be stored on our servers when you use our services, or transferred or shared to us as part of a request for technical support or other services.

Information from mobile devices: When you elect to allow it, some of our mobile applications have access to the camera, call history, contact information, photo library, and other information stored on your mobile device. Our applications require such access to provide their services. Similarly, when you elect to provide access, location-based information is also collected for purposes including, but not limited to, locating nearby contacts or setting location-based reminders. This information will be exclusively shared with our mapping providers and will be used only for mapping user locations. You may disable the mobile applications' access to this information at any time by editing the settings on your mobile device. The data stored on your mobile device and their location information to which the mobile applications have access will be used in the context of the mobile application, and transferred to and associated with your account in the corresponding services (in which case the data will be stored on our servers) or products (in which case the data will remain with you unless you share it with us).

(All the information entrusted to FinTechChef is collectively termed “service data”)

Ownership and control of your service data

We recognize that you own your service data. We provide you complete control of your service data by providing you the ability to (i) access your service data, (ii) share your service data through supported third-party integrations, and (iii) request export or deletion of your service data.

How we use service data

We process your service data when you provide us instructions through the various modules of our services. For example, when you generate an invoice, information such as the name and address of your customer will be used to generate the invoice; and when you use our campaign management service for email marketing, the email addresses of the persons on your mailing list will be used for sending the emails.

Push notifications

If you have enabled notification on our desktop and mobile applications, we will push notifications through a push notification provider such as Apple Push Notification Service, Google Cloud Messaging or Windows Push Notification Services. You can manage your push notification preferences or deactivate these notifications by turning off notifications in the application or device settings.

Who we share service data with

FinTechChef group and third party sub-processors: In order to provide services and technical support for our products, the contracting entity within the FinTechChef group engages other group entities and third parties.

Employees and independent contractors: We may provide access to your service data to our employees and individuals who are independent contractors of the FinTechChef group entities involved in providing the services (collectively our “employees”) so that they can (i) identify, analyze and resolve errors, (ii) manually verify emails reported as spam to improve spam detection, or (iii) manually verify scanned images that you submit to us to verify the accuracy of optical character recognition. We ensure that access by our employees to your service data is restricted to specific individuals, and is logged and audited. Our employees will also have access to data that you knowingly share with us for technical support or to import data into our products or services. We communicate our privacy and security guidelines to our employees and strictly enforce privacy safeguards within the FinTechChef group.

Collaborators and other users: Some of our products or services allow you to collaborate with other users or third parties. Initiating collaboration may enable other collaborators to view some or all of your profile information. For example, when you edit a document that you have shared with other persons for collaboration, your name and profile picture will be displayed next to your edits to allow your collaborators to know that you made those edits.

Third-party integrations you have enabled: Most of our products and services support integrations with third-party products and services. If you choose to enable any third-party integrations, you may be allowing the third party to access your service information and personal information about you. We encourage you to review the privacy practices of the third-party services and products before you enable integrations with them.

Other cases: Other scenarios in which we may share information that are common to information covered under Parts I and II are described in Part III.

Retention of information

We hold the data in your account as long as you choose to use FinTechChef Services. Once you terminate your FinTechChef user account, your data will eventually get deleted from active database during the next clean-up that occurs once in 6 months. The data deleted from active database will be deleted from backups after 3 months.

Data subject requests

If you are from the European Economic Area and you believe that we store, use or process your information on behalf of one of our customers, please contact the customer if you would like to access, rectify, erase, restrict or object to processing, or export your personal data. We will extend our support to our customer in responding to your request within a reasonable timeframe.

Part III – General

Children’s personal information

Our products and services are not directed to individuals under 18. FinTechChef does not knowingly collect personal information from children who are under 18 years of age. If we become aware that a child under 18 has provided us with personal information, we will take steps to delete such information. If you believe that a child under 18 years has provided personal information to us, please write to with the details, and we will take the necessary steps to delete the information we hold about that child.

How secure is your information

At FinTechChef, we take data security very seriously. That's why we have gotten certified for industry standards such as ISO27001:2013 and SOC 2 Type II. We have taken steps to implement appropriate administrative, technical & physical safeguards to prevent unauthorized access, use, modification, disclosure or destruction of the information you entrust to us. If you have any concerns regarding the security of your data, we encourage you to write to us at with any questions.

External links on our websites

Some pages of our websites may contain links to websites that are not linked to this Privacy Policy. If you submit your personal information to any of these third-party sites, your personal information is governed by their privacy policies. As a safety measure, we recommend that you not share any personal information with these third parties unless you've checked their privacy policies and assured yourself of their privacy practices.

Blogs and forums

We offer publicly accessible blogs and forums on our websites. Please be aware that any information you provide on these blogs and forums may be used to contact you with unsolicited messages. We urge you to be cautious in disclosing personal information in our blogs and forums. FinTechChef is not responsible for the personal information you elect to disclose publicly. Your posts and certain profile information may remain even after you terminate your account with FinTechChef. To request the removal of your information from our blogs and forums, you can contact us at

Social media widgets

Our websites include social media widgets such as Facebook "like" buttons and Twitter "tweet" buttons that let you share articles and other information. These widgets may collect information such as your IP address and the pages you navigate in the website, and may set a cookie to enable the widgets to function properly. Your interactions with these widgets are governed by the privacy policies of the companies providing them.

Disclosures in compliance with legal obligations

We may be required by law to preserve or disclose your personal information and service data to comply with any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request, including to meet national security requirements.

Enforcement of our rights

We may disclose personal information and service data to a third party if we believe that such disclosure is necessary for preventing fraud, investigating any suspected illegal activity, enforcing our agreements or policies, or protecting the safety of our users.

Business Transfers

We do not intend to sell our business. However, in the unlikely event that we sell our business or get acquired or merged, we will ensure that the acquiring entity is legally bound to honor our commitments to you. We will notify you via email or through a prominent notice on our website of any change in ownership or in the uses of your personal information and service data. We will also notify you about any choices you may have regarding your personal information and service data.

Compliance with this Privacy Policy

We make every effort, including periodic reviews, to ensure that personal information you provide is used in conformity with this Privacy Policy. If you have any concerns about our adherence to this Privacy Policy or the manner in which your personal information is used, kindly write to us We'll contact you, and if required, coordinate with the appropriate regulatory authorities to effectively address your concerns.

Notification of changes

We may modify the Privacy Policy at any time, upon notifying you through a service announcement or by sending an email to your primary email address. If we make significant changes to the Privacy Policy that affect your rights, you will be provided with at least 30 days' advance notice of the changes by email to your primary email address. If you think that the updated Privacy Policy affects your rights with respect to your use of our products or services, you may terminate your use by sending us an email within 30 days. Your continued use after the effective date of changes to the Privacy Policy will be deemed to be your agreement to the modified Privacy Policy. You will not receive email notification of minor changes to the Privacy Policy. If you are concerned about how your personal information is used, you should check back at periodically.


Common Terms and Privacy Policy for FinTechChef Application(s)






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