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Creating components

Estefania Morton edited this page Jun 8, 2021 · 2 revisions

To create a new component, you can start by running the blueprint script and providing a component name. This script will initialise a skeleton component with the required files including a readme, package manifest and basic source files.

You can run the blueprint script from the repository root like this:

npm run blueprint -- denshiba

Please note: You do not need to prefix the component name with x-.

When the blueprint script runs it will initialise a new component with the following file structure:

├ src/
│  └ Denshiba.jsx
├ stories/
│  ├ story.js
│  └ index.js
├ .npmignore
├ package.json
└ rollup.js

All JavaScript and CSS source files should be stored in the src directory, Storybook configuration for the component must be maintained in the stories directory. Every package in x-dash must have a readme and a package manifest and public packages must include a .npmignore file.