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x node jsx

Estefania Morton edited this page Jun 9, 2021 · 2 revisions


This module extends Node's require() function to enable the use of .jsx files at runtime. It uses Pirates to safely add a require hook and Sucrase to transform code on-the-fly.

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This module is supported on Node 12 and is distributed on npm.

npm install -S @financial-times/x-node-jsx

To add the require hook you only need to import the register module. You can do this programmatically in your application code:


Or use the --require or -r flag when invoking Node:

node --require "@financial-times/x-node-jsx/register"

You can also add the require hook manually. This will return a function which can be used to later remove the hook:

const addHook = require('@financial-times/x-node-jsx');

const removeHook = addHook();

// Some time later...

An options object may also be provided, the options and their defaults are shown below:

const addHook = require('@financial-times/x-node-jsx');

	production: true,
	transforms: ['imports', 'jsx']

These options will be passed to the Sucrase module. To see more options take a look at the Sucrase documentation.

After the hook has been added .jsx files can be imported and will be transformed on-the-fly:

// Add the hook

// Transparently require .jsx files
const App = require('./components/App.jsx');