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Explore my repository featuring three impactful projects demonstrating the synergy of AWS and Bash scripting.

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1. S3 Backup Script


Creating a Bash script that automates the backup of local files or directories to an AWS S3 bucket. I used the AWS CLI to interact with S3, upload files, and manage the backup process.


  • I made sure to set up AWS CLI with my access and secret keys,alongside the default region.
  • Furthermore, I created the Bash script.
  • Made sure that the script was executable using chmod u+x ./bin/S3/backup_script.
  • I ran the script: ./bin/S3/backup_script.

Services Used:

  • AWS S3


One of the safety measures I had to take was ensuring my AWS Credentials was secure by creating a .envfile. Also, ensuring that the bucket policies and IAM permissions were correctly configured.


I had to ensure proper handling of files and permissions.This was the main challenge for me, and handling errors when creating the script for the backup process.

Proof of Implementation

After running the ./bin/S3/backup_script. The upload was successful. Proof of Implementation

In addition, I had to check the S3 bucket to make sure it was actually uploaded
Proof of Implementation Proof of Implementation


2. EC2 Instance Script


Creating a Bash script to manage AWS EC2 instances: list, start, stop, and create instances.


  • I made sure to set up AWS CLI with my access and secret keys,alongside the default region.
  • Furthermore, I created the Bash script.
  • Made sure that the script was executable using chmod u+x ./bin/EC2/script.
  • I ran the script: ./bin/EC2/script.

Services Used:

  • AWS EC2


  • I was cautuious when starting or stopping the instances to avoid accidental data loss.
  • Also, for key management, I followed the security best practices.


Personally, I had issues with deleting network interfaces when I launched instances, but I had to first terminate these instances before proceeding to delete the network interface. Furthermore, I had to add a case statement as to check the first argument ($1) provided when running the script. The value of $1 determines the operation to perform: create, start, stop, or list. This helped in performing different actions using a single script.

Proof of Implementation

Before runnung the ./bin/EC2/script., I had to launch an instance in my AWS Console, because I need the $AMI_ID, $SECURITY_GROUP_ID,$SUBNET_ID to launch another instance. So I made sure to set environment variables for these values, for better security practices using the export and gp env

Proof of Implementation

Furtheremore, I was able to launch a new instance using the AWS CLI.

create_instance() {
    aws ec2 run-instances \
        --image-id $AMI_ID \
        --instance-type $INSTANCE_TYPE \
        --key-name $KEY_NAME \
        --security-group-ids $SECURITY_GROUP_ID \
        --subnet-id $SUBNET_ID \
        --tag-specifications "ResourceType=instance,Tags=[{Key=Name,Value=$INSTANCE_NAME}]"

Proof of Implementation Proof of Implementation Proof of Implementation

After that, I could see the two instances running in EC2. Proof of Implementation

Then,I had to stop the initial instance I launched through the AWS Console, because I wanted only one instance to work with. Proof of Implementation

For stopping the second instance, I did this in my AWS CLI and it worked. Proof of Implementation Proof of Implementation

For listing all the Instances, this was made possible by going through AWS Documentation to find information on how to perform this operation. Proof of Implementation


3. Serverless To-DO-List Application


In this project, the bash script automates the creation and deployment of the serverless to-do list application.It deploys an AWS Lambda function for handling POST operation, sets up an Amazon DynamoDB table to store the to-do items, creates an API Gateway to expose the Lambda function via a RESTful API, and deploys the API to a production stage.

Services Used:

  • AWS Lambda
  • AWS DynamoDB
  • AWS API Gateway
  • AWS S3
  • -AWS IAM


  • I made sure to use environment variables to protect my credentials from being accessed by everyone.
  • In IAM, I had to select the appropriate permission policies for the role to be created which I named as ToDoListRole.

Proof of Implementation


  • Personally, I had to decide between creating a GET method to go with the POST method that I have already created, but I might revisit that later.
  • I had to also decide between using a task form which involved using index.html, script.js, and style.css. Therefore, I decided to test my API using Postman and it returned an item in the Dynamo DB Table.
  • I made a lot of changes in my lambda function called
  • Also since I am using Bash scripts, I had to first write my lambda function in python ,zip it and store it to an S3 Bucket before I could deploy my lambda function.
 --code S3Bucket=my-lambda-bucket-01,

Proof of Implementation

Before running the bin/API-Gateway/to_do_list script, I had to ensure that I stored environment variables of the following;


Zipped the lambda function written in python and named it lambda-essentials Proof of Implementation

I had to check my Console in my S3 buckets to be sure this process was successful Proof of Implementation

To create the Lambda-Function,

aws lambda create-function \
  --function-name "$FUNCTION_NAME" \
  --runtime python3.9 \
  --handler lambda.lambda_handler \
  --role arn:aws:iam::"$ACCOUNT_ID":role/ToDoListRole \
  --code S3Bucket=my-lambda-bucket-01,

Proof of Implementation

To Create the DynamoDB table

aws dynamodb create-table \
    --table-name "$TABLE_NAME" \
    --attribute-definitions AttributeName="$PARTITION_KEY",AttributeType=S \
    --key-schema AttributeName="$PARTITION_KEY",KeyType=HASH \
    --provisioned-throughput ReadCapacityUnits=5,WriteCapacityUnits=5

Proof of Implementation

Creating Gateway REST API.

api_id=$(aws apigateway create-rest-api --name $API_GATEWAY_NAME)

(Proof of Implementation

Creating API Gateway resources.

root_resource_id=$(aws apigateway get-resources --rest-api-id $api_id)

Proof of Implementation

Configuring POST method.

aws apigateway put-method --rest-api-id "$api_id" --resource-id "$resource_id" --http-method POST --authorization-type NONE

Proof of Implementation

In my DynamoDB Table, I decided to create a dummy item for testing Proof of Implementation Proof of Implementation

Furthermore, I was able to deploy my api after integrating it with the lambda function and enabling CORS for the POST method.

deployment_id=$(aws apigateway create-deployment --rest-api-id $api_id --stage-name prod)

Proof of Implementation Proof of Implementation

After deployment, the next thing to do was test if the INVOKE URL was returning data to the DynamoDB Table. For this steps, I ensured to make use of Postman to send HTTP requests (POST) and testing my endpoint.

I executed my API invocation URL two times as part of a testing procedure to ensure its functionality and reliability.

Proof of Implementation Proof of Implementation

Proof of Implementation Proof of Implementation


Bonus Project: ECR Login Script


This Bash script is designed to facilitate Docker image login to an Amazon Elastic Container Registry (ECR) using the AWS CLI and Docker. It uses AWS authentication credentials and environment variables to perform this task.



Explore my repository featuring three impactful projects demonstrating the synergy of AWS and Bash scripting.







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