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Firedroide edited this page Jun 16, 2013 · 28 revisions


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  TeamSpeakPort: 9987
  QueryPort: 10011
  QueryUsername: admin
  QueryPassword: '123456'
  TeamspeakNickname: Minecraft
  ConsoleName: '&9Server'
  # Only required if you use the channel functions!
  ChannelID: 0
  ChannelPassword: ''
  # Can only be true or false
  ListenToServerEvents: true
  ListenToServerBroadcasts: true
  ListenToChannel: true
  ListenToChannelChat: true
  ListenToPrivateMessages: true
  AllowLinksInMessages: true
  # Can be either 'server', 'channel' or 'none'
  SendChatToTeamspeak: none
  # Can only be true or false
  LogChatInConsole: true
  # Default reason for bans and (channel) kicks
  DefaultReason: '-'
  # The priority of the chat listener.
  ChatListenerPriority: MONITOR
  # Debug Mode
  # Use if the plugin doesn't work at all
  # Or for posting error logs in the forum
  Debug: false

  # Please read the documentation before enabling TS commands!
  Enabled: false
  # The prefix to be used for TS commands. / is used by TeamSpeak itself unfortunately.
  CommandPrefix: '!'
  # Controls whether teamspeak commands are logged
  LogTeamspeakCommands: true
  # How many milliseconds should be waited before sending messages to the client on Teamspeak
  # The buffer lets individual messages queue up and then sends them all as one message.
  MessageBufferDelay: 50

Main section

### TeamSpeakIP
The IP of the TeamSpeak3 server.
### TeamSpeakPort
  TeamSpeakPort: 9987
The port used by the TeamSpeak server. Usually, this is 9987, else you can find out by what URL you're typing in when connecting to the server.
Using BukkitSpeak with virtual server IDs

You can use virtual server IDs as well, but you need to make the ID negative so the plugin recognizes it as the ID and doesn't confuse it with the port number.

  TeamSpeakPort: -550   # Using a virtual server ID

### QueryPort
  QueryPort: 10011
The port BukkitSpeak communicates with the TeamSpeak Query. By default this is 10011. If you don't know the Query port, first try the default one. If that doesn't work, ask the server admin.
### QueryUsername and QueryPassword
  QueryUsername: admin
BukkitSpeak and the Server Query need a username and a password to establish a connection.

You can generate a username and a password on your own, but you need to have the permission on the TeamSpeak server. Otherwise, the admin of the TS server should be able to do that for you. You don't need to log in with your SuperAdmin ServerQuery!

Open your TS3 client and connect to your server. Now go to Tools > Server Query Login and a window will pop up. You need to enter a name (it shouldn't contain any spaces though) and click enter. A password will be generated for you. The name you chose doesn't effect the name of BukkitSpeak in TeamSpeak, so you can chose whatever you want. After generating the password, just copy the name and the password into the config.

TeamSpeak section

### TeamspeakNickname
  TeamspeakNickname: Minecraft
The name of BukkitSpeak when sending a messages in TeamSpeak.

e.g: TeamspeakNickname: Minecraft

<12:34:56> "Minecraft": [Miner1234] Hi TS!

### ConsoleName
  ConsoleName: '&9Server'
When you send a command like ts chat, ts broadcast or ts pm, this will be the sender name.

e.g: ConsoleName: Console

<12:34:56> "Minecraft": [Console] I'm just testing this plugin!

### ChannelID
  ChannelID: 0
Can only be an Integer. Specifies which channel BukkitSpeak should listen to. You can find out the channel ID by selecting the channel you want in your TeamSpeak Client. In the info section in the top right corner, there is the channel name. After the channel name, there is a number in brackets. That's your channel ID.

Channel with the ID 0 is always the server's default channel.

You can also set the ChannelID from in-game with the /tsa set command. There you don't even need to know the channel's ID, but only its name.

### ChannelPassword
  ChannelPassword: ''
If your channel has a password, you need to set it here. If the channel doesn't have a password, just leave it empty.

Note that when you use a ServerQuery that was created by a client who has access to all channels even without the password, BukkitSpeak won't need a password to enter those channels either.

If you don't know the password or simply forgot to enter it here, BukkitSpeak won't be able to connect to the channel.

### ListenTo...
  ListenToServerEvents: true
  ListenToServerBroadcasts: true
  ListenToChannel: false
  ListenToChannelChat: false
  ListenToPrivateMessages: false
Can only be true or false. These values are used to enable or disable almost all of BukkitSpeak's functions:
  • ListenToServerEvents
    • Makes BukkitSpeak send messages when somebody joins or leaves the TeamSpeak server.
  • ListenToServerBroadcasts
    • Sends a message in Minecraft when somebody broadcasts a message in TeamSpeak
    • Enables the command /ts broadcast.
  • ListenToChannel
    • Sends messages when somebody joins or leaves the channel set by ChannelID.
  • ListenToChannelChat
    • Sends messages when somebody sent a chat message in the channel set by ChannelID
    • Enables the commands /ts chat and /ts reply.
  • ListenToPrivateMessages
    • Allows you to send private messages to somebody on TeamSpeak by using /ts pm target or /ts reply.
    • Sends you a message if there was a reply to your private message.
    • This will not publish your private TS3 messages, it only allows Minecraft users to send private messages to TS clients and lets them receive their responses.

### AllowLinksInMessages
  AllowLinksInMessages: true
This value can be used to toggle whether users can have links in their messages or not. If this is true, the links will also automatically be formatted so they're clickable. If this is false, all links will just be removed.
### SendChatToTeamspeak
  SendChatToTeamspeak: none
Can be either none, channel or server. If you set it to channel, all Minecraft messages will be sent to the channel BukkitSpeak is listening to (the one set by ChannelID). If it's set to server, the messages will be broadcasted on the Teamspeak server.
### DefaultReason
  DefaultReason: '-'
This will be the default reason if somebody uses /ts kick, /ts channelkick or /ts ban without specifiying a reason.
### LogChatInConsole
  LogChatInConsole: true
If set to true, chat messages, TS joins and quits and basically every interaction between the Minecraft and the TeamSpeak3 server will be logged in the Minecraft console and thus also the log file.
### Chat Listener Priority
  ChatListenerPriority: MONITOR

By default, with ChatListenerPriority set to MONITOR BukkitSpeak will ignore all cancelled messages. You can set it to another EventPriority so BukkitSpeak will listen to the event at another priority and thus "ignore" the changes made after that time.

Read more about event priorities on the Bukkit Wiki.

### Debug mode
  # Debug Mode
  # Use if the plugin doesn't work at all
  # Or for posting error logs in the forum
  Debug: false
This boolean enables or disables the dubug mode, so it can be set to 'true' or 'false'. In debug mode, the plugin will show internal JTS3ServerQuery exceptions directly in the server log, so you can find out more precisely what's actually wrong if something doesn't work at all and the error messages don't help you out. Also there will be a file created in the root folder of your server (where bukkit.jar is located at), called "JTS3ServerQuery-communication.log". It contains all the information sent and received by the plugin.

Teamspeak commands section

Teamspeak commands let you execute commands on the Minecraft server remotely from TeamSpeak.

You can read a detailed manual on how TeamSpeak commands work and how they are set up here.


  Enabled: false

Controls whether Teamspeak commands are enabled or not.
Creates a new file called permissions.yml when set to true.


  # The prefix to be used for TS commands. / is used by TeamSpeak itself unfortunately.
  CommandPrefix: '!'

Lets you choose a different prefix for TeamSpeak commands.
As the description already states, the / character is already used by the TeamSpeak client itself.

You can also choose a prefix longer than 1 character, for exapmle CommandPrefix: '!?'.


  # Controls whether teamspeak commands are logged
  LogTeamspeakCommands: true

When set to true, there will be a message in the console saying that client X executed command Y from Teamspeak.

There will also be a message if the client failed executing a command because of lacking permissions, a not whitelisted plugin or a blacklisted command.


  # How many milliseconds should be waited before sending messages to the client on Teamspeak
  # The buffer lets individual messages queue up and then sends them all as one message.
  MessageBufferDelay: 50

This value controls after how many milliseconds the message buffer is sent to TeamSpeak.

The buffer will wait for that amount of time after a first response was received, then all of the messages get sent at once.

This buffer should help to reduce the amount of network bandwith consumed by BukkitSpeak and will also make the messages appear faster.

You can also set the delay to 0 to disable it, however this is not recommended.

Messages section

Here you can set how the BukkitSpeak messages should be displayed in Minecraft.
You can set colors by writing '&' and a hexadecimal character (0 - 9, a - f) afterwards.
You can also make your text bold (&l), underlined (&n) or italics (&o).
For further information about color codes, click here.

If you just leave a config set to '', the message won't be sent at all.

Teamspeak events section

What messages are sent if something happens on the TeamSpeak server.

    Join: '&e%client_nickname% &ahas joined TeamSpeak'
    Quit: '&e%client_nickname% &ahas left TeamSpeak'
    ChannelEnter: '&e%client_nickname% &aentered the channel.'
    ChannelLeave: '&e%client_nickname% &aleft the channel.'
    ServerMsg: '[&cTS&f] &e%client_nickname%&a: %msg%'
    ChannelMsg: '&e%client_nickname%&f: %msg%'
    PrivateMsg: '&e%client_nickname% &a-> &eMe&f: %msg%'

Applicable keys:

%client_nickname% - Who raised the event. Doesn't have any colors.
%client_country% - The client's guessed country.
%connection_client_ip% - The IP of the client.
%client_platform% - The client's OS. Just for fun :)

Teamspeak messages section

Defines how TeamSpeak messages are displayed in Minecraft.

    ServerMessage: '&4&l%msg%'
    ChannelMessage: '&4&l[%player_displayname%&4] &r%msg%'
    PrivateMessage: '&4&l[%player_displayname%&4] &r%msg%'
    PokeMessage: '&l[%player_displayname%] &r%msg%'
    KickMessage: '[%player_displayname%] kicked you from the server for %msg%.'
    ChannelKickMessage: '[%player_displayname%] kicked you from the channel for %msg%.'
    BanMessage: '[%player_displayname%] banned you from the server for %msg%.'

Applicable keys:

%player_displayname% - The player's name as it's displayed in Minecraft. May contain colors.
%player_name% - The raw player name, without any colors or nicknames or anything.
%msg% - The message, obviously.

Only PrivateMessage:
%target% - The user on TeamSpeak who receives that private message.

Minecraft events section

This section defines what messages are sent to the TS3 server if a player joins, chats or quits.

The chat message is only required if SendChatToTeamspeak is set to either channel or server. If someone sends a message to the TS server using /ts chat, the layout from ChannelMessage will be used.

    ChatMessage: '&l%player_displayname%&r: %msg%'
    LoginMessage: '&l%player_displayname%&r logged in.'
    LogoutMessage: '&l%player_displayname%&r logged out.'

Applicable keys:

%player_displayname% - The player's name as it's displayed in Minecraft. May contain colors.
%player_name% - The raw player name, without any colors or nicknames or anything.

Only ChatMessage:
%msg% - The message, obviously.

Minecraft command messages section

How command messages look like in Minecraft.

    OnlineList: '&aCurrently online: &e%list%'
    ChannelList: '&aCurrently in the channel: &e%list%'
    Mute: '&aYou are now muted.'
    Unmute: '&aYou aren''t muted anymore.'
    ChannelChange: '&aYou are now talking in the TeamSpeak channel &6%channel%&a.'
    Broadcast: '&e%player_displayname% &a-> &f[&cTS&f]&f: %msg%'
    Chat: '&e%player_displayname% &a-> &eTS&f: %msg%'
    Pm: '&eMe &a-> &e%target%&f: %msg%'
    Poke: '&e%player_displayname% &apoked &e%target%&f: %msg%'
    Kick: '&e%player_displayname% &akicked &e%target% &afrom the server for &e%msg%&a.'
    ChannelKick: '&e%player_displayname% &akicked &e%target% &afrom the channel for &e%msg%&a.'
    Ban: '&e%player_displayname% &abanned &e%target% &afor &e%msg%&a.'

Applicable keys:

%player_displayname% - The player's name as it's displayed in Minecraft. May contain colors.
%player_name% - The raw player name, without any colors or nicknames or anything.

Only OnlineList and ChannelList:
%list% - The list of client names.

Only Broadcast, Chat, Pm, Poke, Kick, ChannelKick and Ban:
%msg% - The message, or the kick / ban reason.

Only Pm, Poke, Kick, ChannelKick and Ban:
%target% - The user on TeamSpeak who receives that private message or got poked, kicked or banned.

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