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Appearance Syncing

Floogen edited this page Apr 8, 2023 · 5 revisions

What is Appearance Syncing?

AppearanceSyncing allows mod authors to associate the animation updating of Fashion Sense appearances to another appearance (such as pants). This makes it easier to sync the movement between two appearances without having to worry about the Duration or EndWhenFarmerFrameUpdates animation properties.

For example, you could sync the appearance of your Fashion Sense shoes with the pants of the player, causing the shoes to animate (e.g. iterate their animation frame) when the player's pants animate.

Note: When a Fashion Sense appearance's animation updates (the frame iterates), conditions will still be evaluated. If the newly iterated frame is not valid, then Fashion Sense will keep iterating until a valid frame is found.


The TargetAppearanceType property determines the target that your appearance will sync to.

TargetAppearanceType can be one of the following values:

  • Hat
  • Hair
  • Accessory
  • Shirt
  • Sleeves
  • Pants
  • Shoes

Note: The value for TargetAppearanceType should not be the same type as your appearance (e.g. don't use a TargetAppearanceType of Hat when you working with a Fashion Sense hat).


The AnimationType property determines what type of animation of the TargetAppearanceType that your appearance will sync to.

AnimationType can be one of the following values:

  • Idle
  • Moving
  • Uniform

Example Usage

Below is an example usage of AppearanceSyncing.

  "Name": "Shoes That Sync With Pants",
  "LeftShoes": {
    "StartingPosition": {
      "X": 0,
      "Y": 0
    "BodyPosition": {
      "X": 0,
      "Y": -15
    "ShoesSize": {
      "Width": 16,
      "Length": 16
    "AppearanceSyncing": [
        "TargetAppearanceType": "Pants",
        "AnimationType": "Idle"
        "TargetAppearanceType": "Pants",
        "AnimationType": "Moving"
    "IdleAnimation": [
        "Frame": 0,
        "Duration": 100
    "MovementAnimation": [
        "Frame": 0,
        "Conditions": [
            "Name": "IsWalking",
            "Value": true
        "Frame": 1,
        "Conditions": [
            "Name": "IsWalking",
            "Value": true
        "Frame": 0,
        "Conditions": [
            "Name": "IsWalking",
            "Value": true
        "Frame": 2,
        "Conditions": [
            "Name": "IsWalking",
            "Value": true
        "Frame": 0,
        "Conditions": [
            "Name": "IsRunning",
            "Value": true
        "Frame": 5,
        "Conditions": [
            "Name": "IsRunning",
            "Value": true
        "Frame": 3,
        "Conditions": [
            "Name": "IsRunning",
            "Value": true
        "Frame": 0,
        "Conditions": [
            "Name": "IsRunning",
            "Value": true
        "Frame": 6,
        "Conditions": [
            "Name": "IsRunning",
            "Value": true
        "Frame": 4,
        "Conditions": [
            "Name": "IsRunning",
            "Value": true
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