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How to Use FlyBrainLab Full Installation

Yiyin Zhou edited this page Feb 21, 2021 · 2 revisions

The instructions on this page apply to FlyBrainLab Full Installation (using default configuration) as well as the Docker Image.


The full installation contains the following two folders:

  • ffbo: main application folder that contains the executable scripts and repositories.
  • orientdb: OrientDB folder where the databases are stored.

It also creates the following two conda environments:

  • ffbo: main environment with Python 3.7 for running FlyBrainLab application.
  • ffbo_legacy: environment with Python 2.7 for running NLP server.

Configuration folder:

  • ~/.ffbo

Executable Scripts

We provide a set of scripts in ~/ffbo/bin to help launching FlyBrainLab.

  • start FlyBrainLab, including starting all backend servers, each in a tmux session.
  • stop FlyBrainLab and all backend servers, the tmux sessions will be killed.
  • update all packages to the latest version (except for NeuroMynerva).
  • update NeuroMynerva.

Scripts for running individual server components:

  • start crossbar and FFBO processor.
  • start NeuroNLP server.
  • start OrientDB database.
  • start NeuroArch server.
  • start Neurokernel server.
  • start FlyBrainLab.
  • download some or all datasets.

Starting the FlyBrainLab

To start FlyBrainLab, run


This will start the JupyterLab and in the background the following tmux sessions:

  • db: Runs the OrientDB Database,
  • processor: Runs the Processor (ffbo/bin/
  • nlp_hemibrain: Runs the NLP server for the Hemibrain dataset (ffbo/bin/ hemibrain)
  • nlp_flycircuit: Runs the NLP server for the FlyCircuit dataset (ffbo/bin/ flycircuit)
  • nlp_l1em: Runs the NLP server for the L1EM dataset (ffbo/bin/ l1em)
  • na_hemibrain: Runs the NeuroArch server for the Hemibrain dataset (ffbo/bin/ hemibrain)
  • na_flycircuit: Runs the NeuroArch server for the FlyCircuit dataset (ffbo/bin/ flycircuit)
  • na_l1em: Runs the NeuroArch server for the L1EM dataset (ffbo/bin/ l1em)

If any of the tmux session is missing, the program may have crashed. Please start a new tmux session and run the script associated with each session above.

To fully shutdown the FlyBrainLab application, after quitting JupyterLab, run

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