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This module connects a PZEM004T power meter module to Wifi, sending data though HTTP, MQTT, UDP and/or Domoticz.

What's for?

Insert in a wall plug, with a PZEM004T, an ESP8266, a 5V power supply and this code, voltage, current, power, total energy, frequency and power Factor are displayed every seconds, on request sent by UDP with the same period, and sent given an interval (by default 60 seconds) by MQTT and/or Domoticz. Messages may contain all data, or only individual parts. In addition, requests may be done throuth http at any intervals, still globally or individually, in text or json format.

  • Debug can be done remotely through a local Telnet server
  • Embedded WEB server display status and allow settings display/changes
  • In addition to internal messages, Web server answers at the following URL:
    • /rest/data -> return all values formated as Milliseconds|Voltage|Current|Power|Energy|Frequency|Power Factor
    • /rest/millis -> return millis (milliseconds since boot)
    • /rest/voltage -> return voltage (V)
    • /rest/current -> return current (A)
    • /rest/power -> return power (W)
    • /rest/energy -> return energy (kWh)
    • /rest/frequency -> return frequency (Hz)
    • /rest/pf -> return power factor (0 to 1)
    • /rest/reset -> reset energy counter
    • /json/values -> return all values in json format
  • Data can also be broadcasted through UDP on request
    • Values is formated as Milliseconds|Voltage|Current|Power|Energy|Frequency|Power Factor


Can be used directly with Arduino IDE or PlatformIO.

The following libraries are used:


Clone repository somewhere on your disk.

cd <where_you_want_to_install_it>
git clone FF_PowerMeter


Go to code folder and pull new version:

cd <where_you_installed_FF_PowerMeter>
git pull

Note: if you did any changes to files and git pull command doesn't work for you anymore, you could stash all local changes using:

git stash


git checkout <modified file>

Warning: as files in data folder should be downloaded on ESP file system, it may be a good idea to check if some of them have been changed be a new version, to update them on your ESP.

Remind also that config.json and userconfig.json are specific to your installation. Don't forget to download them from your ESP before making a global file system upload.

Parameters at compile time

The following parameters are used at compile time: REMOTE_DEBUG: (default=defined) Enable telnet remote debug (optional) SERIAL_DEBUG: (default=defined) Enable serial debug (optional, only if REMOTE_DEBUG is disabled) SERIAL_COMMAND_PREFIX: (default=no defined) Prefix of debug commands given on Serial (i.e. `command:). No commands are allowed on Serial if not defined NO_SERIAL_COMMAND_CALLBACK: (default: not defined) Disable Serial command callback HARDWARE_WATCHDOG_PIN: (default=D4) Enable watchdog external circuit on D4 (optional) HARDWARE_WATCHDOG_ON_DELAY: (default=5000) Define watchdog level on delay (in ms) HARDWARE_WATCHDOG_OFF_DELAY: (default=1) Define watchdog level off delay (in ms) HARDWARE_WATCHDOG_INITIAL_STATE (default 0) Define watchdog initial state FF_TRACE_KEEP_ALIVE: (default=5 * 60 * 1000) Trace keep alive timer (optional) FF_TRACE_USE_SYSLOG: (default=defined) Send trace messages on Syslog (optional) FF_TRACE_USE_SERIAL: (default=defined) Send trace messages on Serial (optional) INCLUDE_DOMOTICZ:(default=defined) Include Domoticz support (optional) CONNECTION_LED: (default=-1) Connection LED pin, -1 to disable AP_ENABLE_BUTTON: (default=-1) Button pin to enable AP during startup for configuration, -1 to disable AP_ENABLE_TIMEOUT: (default=240) If the device can not connect to WiFi it will switch to AP mode after this time (Seconds, max 255), -1 to disable DEBUG_FF_WEBSERVER: (default=defined) Enable internal FF_WebServer debug FF_DISABLE_DEFAULT_TRACE: (default=not defined) Disable default trace callback FF_TRACE_USE_SYSLOG: (default=defined) SYSLOG to be used for trace

Parameters defined at run time

The following parameters can be defined, either in json files before loading LittleFS file system, or through internal http server.

In config.json:

ssid: Wifi SSID to connect to
pass: Wifi key
ip: this node's fix IP address (useless if DHCP is true)
netmask: this node's netmask (useless if DHCP is true)
gateway: this node's IP gateway (useless if DHCP is true)
dns: this node's DHCP server (useless if DHCP is true)
dhcp: use DHCP if true, fix IP address else
ntp: NTP server to use
NTPperiod: interval between two NTP updates (in minutes)
timeZone: NTP time zone (use internal HTTP server to set)
daylight: true if DST is used
deviceName: this node name

In userconfig.json:

MQTTClientID: MQTT client ID, used during connection to MQTT
MQTTUser: User to connect to MQTT server²
MQTTPass: Password to connect to MQTT server
MQTTTopic: base MQTT topic, used to set LWT topic of SMS server
MQTTCommandTopic: topic to read debug commands to be executed
MQTTHost: MQTT server to connect to
MQTTPort: MQTT port to connect to
MQTTInterval: MQTT/Domoticz update interval
SyslogServer: syslog server to use (empty if not to be used)
SyslogPort: syslog port to use (empty if not to be used)
udpPort: UDP port to send messages every seconds to
udpFlag: set to True to send UDP messages
domoticzPowerIdx: IDX of Domoticz power/energy device (or zero)
domoticzVoltageIdx: IDX of Domoticz voltage device (or zero)
domoticzCurrentIdx: IDX of Domoticz current device (or zero)
domoticzFrequencyIdx: IDX of Domoticz frequency device (or zero)
domoticzCosPhyIdx: IDX of Domoticz power factor device (or zero)

Debug commands

Debug commands are available to help understanding what happens, and may be a good starting point to help troubleshooting.

Debug output is available on Telnet, Serial and Syslog. Note that settings can disable some of these outputs.


Debug is available through:

  • Telnet: connect with a telnet tool on ESP's port 23, and strike commands on keyboard
  • MQTT: send the raw command to mqttCommandTopic (don't set the retain flag unless you want the command to be executed at each ESP restart)


The following commands are allowed: - ? or h or help: display this message - m: display memory available - v: set debug level to verbose - d: set debug level to debug - i: set debug level to info - w: set debug level to warning - e: set debug level to errors - s: set debug silence on/off - cpu80 : ESP8266 CPU at 80MHz - cpu160: ESP8266 CPU at 160MHz - reset: reset the ESP8266 - vars: Dump standard variables - user: Dump user variables - debug: Toggle debug flag - trace: Toggle trace flag

Available Web pages (in FF_WebServer library folder)

  • / and /index.htm -> index root file
  • /admin.html -> administration menu
  • /general.html -> general settings (device name)
  • /ntp.html -> ntp settings
  • /system.html -> system configuration (file system edit, HTTP OTA update, reboot, authentication parameters)
  • /config.html -> network settings
  • /user.html -> user specific settings

Interactions with web server

Three root URLs are defined to communicate with web server, namely /rest, /json and /post. /rest is used to pass/return information in an unstructured way, while /json uses JSON message format. They both are using GET HTTP format, while /post is using HTTP POST format.

Available URLs

WebServer answers to the following URLs. If authentication is turned on, some of them needs user to be authenticated before being served.

Internal URLs

  • /list?dir=/ -> list file system content
  • /edit -> load editor (GET) , create file (PUT), delete file (DELETE)
  • /admin/generalvalues -> return deviceName and userVersion in json format
  • /admin/values -> return values to be loaded in index.html and indexuser.html
  • /admin/connectionstate -> return connection state
  • /admin/infovalues -> return network info data
  • /admin/ntpvalues -> return ntp data
  • /scan -> return wifi network scan data
  • /admin/restart -> restart ESP
  • /admin/wwwauth -> ask for authentication
  • /admin -> return admin.html contents
  • /update/updatepossible
  • /setmd5 -> set MD5 OTA file value
  • /update -> update system with OTA file
  • /rconfig (GET) -> get configuration data
  • /pconfig (POST) -> set configuration data
  • /rest -> activate a rest request to get some (user's) values (*)
  • /rest/values -> return values to be loaded in index.html and index_user.html (*)
  • /json -> activate a rest request to get some (user's) values (*)
  • /post -> activate a post request to set some (user's) values (*)

HTML files (in addition to available web pages described before)

  • /index_user.html -> user specific part of index.html (*)
  • /favicon.ico -> icon to be displayed by browser

JSON files

  • /config.json -> system configuration data (!)
  • /userconfig.json -> user's configuration data (!)
  • /userconfigui.json -> user's specific configuration UI data (*)

JavaScript files

  • /microajax.js -> ajax minimalistic routines
  • /browser.js -> FF_WebServer browser side JS functions
  • /spark-md5.js -> md5 calculation function

CSS files

  • style.css -> CSS style file

(*) Should be adapted by user to specific configuration (!) Could be adapted by user to initially set configuration values (i.e. server's ip or port, SSID...)