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Transferring to Air Gapped Systems

ktaed edited this page Dec 18, 2019 · 5 revisions

Transferring to Air Gapped Systems

In situations where the download step and/or the processing steps cannot run on the same machine (e.g. air gapped systems, no internet access, low bandwidth internet access, insufficient RAM). These steps can be run separately on different machines. The files should be downloaded on the machine with internet access then transferred to the closed system. The paths stored in the config file must be updated before proceeding to the build step.

Step 1:

Download default databases

 mtsv_setup database --path today --thread 8 --download_only

Step 2:

Physically move the folder "today" to the closed system

Step 3:

Update paths

mtsv_setup json_update --path today

Step 4:

Create local datastore on the closed system

 mtsv_setup database --path today --thread 4 --build_only

Step 5:

Create a fm-indices of default partitions

mtsv_setup custom_db --path today

Download, process then move to closed system

Step 1:

Download default databases

 mtsv_setup oneclick --path today --thread 8

Step 2:

Physically move the folder "today" to the closed system

Step 3:

Update paths

mtsv_setup json_update --path today