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Upgrading from 3.2.1 to 4

Geremia Taglialatela edited this page Dec 10, 2013 · 26 revisions

Assets (fonts, stylesheets)

Of course, you need to update the Font Awesome assets, but this is not part of this guide.

New default syntax

  • icon-* -> fa fa-* (NOTE: fa base class is only needed by icons)
  • icon-fixed-width -> fa-fw
  • icon-large -> fa-lg
  • icons-ul -> fa-ul
  • icon-li -> fa-li
  • icon-spin -> fa-spin

New icon names

  • ban-circle -> ban
  • bar-chart -> bar-chart-o
  • beaker -> flask
  • bell -> bell-o
  • bell-alt -> bell
  • bitbucket-sign -> bitbucket-square
  • bookmark-empty -> bookmark-o
  • building -> building-o (4.0.2)
  • calendar-empty -> calendar-o
  • check-empty -> square-o
  • check-minus -> minus-square-o
  • check-sign -> check-square
  • check -> check-square-o
  • chevron-sign-down -> chevron-circle-down
  • chevron-sign-left -> chevron-circle-left
  • chevron-sign-right -> chevron-circle-right
  • chevron-sign-up -> chevron-circle-up
  • circle-arrow-down -> arrow-circle-down
  • circle-arrow-left -> arrow-circle-left
  • circle-arrow-right -> arrow-circle-right
  • circle-arrow-up -> arrow-circle-up
  • circle-blank -> circle-o
  • cny -> rub
  • collapse-alt -> minus-square-o
  • collapse-top -> caret-square-o-up
  • collapse -> caret-square-o-down
  • comment-alt -> comment-o
  • comments-alt -> comments-o
  • copy -> files-o
  • cut -> scissors
  • dashboard -> tachometer
  • double-angle-down -> angle-double-down
  • double-angle-left -> angle-double-left
  • double-angle-right -> angle-double-right
  • double-angle-up -> angle-double-up
  • download -> arrow-circle-o-down
  • download-alt -> download
  • edit-sign -> pencil-square
  • edit -> pencil-square-o
  • ellipsis-horizontal -> ellipsis-h (4.0.2)
  • ellipsis-vertical -> ellipsis-v (4.0.2)
  • envelope-alt -> envelope-o
  • exclamation-sign -> exclamation-circle
  • expand-alt -> expand-o
  • expand -> caret-square-o-right
  • external-link-sign -> external-link-square
  • eye-close -> eye-slash
  • eye-open -> eye
  • facebook-sign -> facebook-square
  • facetime-video -> video-camera
  • file-alt -> file-o
  • file-text-alt -> file-text-o
  • flag-alt -> flag-o
  • folder-close-alt -> folder-o
  • folder-close -> folder
  • folder-open-alt -> folder-open-o
  • food -> cutlery
  • frown -> frown-o
  • fullscreen -> arrows-alt (4.0.2)
  • github-sign -> github-square
  • google-plus-sign -> google-plus-square
  • group -> users (4.0.2)
  • h-sign -> h-square
  • hand-down -> hand-o-down
  • hand-left -> hand-o-left
  • hand-right -> hand-o-right
  • hand-up -> hand-o-up
  • hdd -> hdd-o (4.0.1)
  • heart-empty -> heart-o
  • hospital -> hospital-o (4.0.2)
  • indent-left -> outdent
  • indent-right -> indent
  • info-sign -> info-circle
  • keyboard -> keyboard-o
  • legal -> gavel
  • lemon -> lemon-o
  • lightbulb -> lightbulb-o
  • linkedin-sign -> linkedin-square
  • meh -> meh-o
  • microphone-off -> microphone-slash
  • minus-sign-alt -> minus-square
  • minus-sign -> minus-circle
  • mobile-phone -> mobile
  • moon -> moon-o
  • move -> arrows (4.0.2)
  • off -> power-off
  • ok-circle -> check-circle-o
  • ok-sign -> check-circle
  • ok -> check
  • paper-clip -> paperclip
  • paste -> clipboard
  • phone-sign -> phone-square
  • picture -> picture-o
  • pinterest-sign -> pinterest-square
  • play-circle -> play-circle-o
  • play-sign -> play-circle
  • plus-sign-alt -> plus-square
  • plus-sign -> plus-circle
  • pushpin -> thumb-tack
  • question-sign -> question-circle
  • remove-circle -> times-circle-o
  • remove-sign -> times-circle
  • remove -> times
  • reorder -> bars (4.0.2)
  • resize-full -> expand (4.0.2)
  • resize-horizontal -> arrows-h (4.0.2)
  • resize-small -> compress (4.0.2)
  • resize-vertical -> arrows-v (4.0.2)
  • rss-sign -> rss-square
  • save -> floppy-o
  • screenshot -> crosshairs
  • share-alt -> share
  • share-sign -> share-square
  • share -> share-square-o
  • sign-blank -> square
  • signin -> sign-in
  • signout -> sign-out
  • smile -> smile-o
  • sort-by-alphabet-alt -> sort-alpha-desc
  • sort-by-alphabet -> sort-alpha-asc
  • sort-by-attributes-alt -> sort-amount-desc
  • sort-by-attributes -> sort-amount-asc
  • sort-by-order-alt -> sort-numeric-desc
  • sort-by-order -> sort-numeric-asc
  • sort-down -> sort-asc
  • sort-up -> sort-desc
  • stackexchange -> stack-overflow
  • star-empty -> star-o
  • star-half-empty -> star-half-o
  • sun -> sun-o
  • thumbs-down-alt -> thumbs-o-down
  • thumbs-up-alt -> thumbs-o-up
  • time -> clock-o
  • trash -> trash-o
  • tumblr-sign -> tumblr-square
  • twitter-sign -> twitter-square
  • unlink -> chain-broken
  • upload -> arrow-circle-o-up
  • upload-alt -> upload
  • warning-sign -> exclamation-triangle
  • xing-sign -> xing-square
  • youtube-sign -> youtube-square
  • zoom-in -> search-plus
  • zoom-out -> search-minus