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Chris MacMackin edited this page Aug 26, 2015 · 1 revision

This is a young project. While it has been tested somewhat, the testing has been far from comprehensive. Various options have not been tested and obscure uses of the Fortran syntax could still potentially cause FORD to crash. If you get an error message while processing a file, first check to make sure that the file actually compiles. No effort has been made to make FORD able to process files which contain syntax errors. Next ensure that you aren't using any of the lingering FORTRAN77 syntax. Finnaly, using ford -V, check that your version of FORD is up-to-date. The bug you have encountered may have since been fixed.

If you are still experiencing errors, run FORD with the --debug flag. This will give you a proper Python backtrace. Submit a bug report on this Github page, including the backtrace and, if possible, the file which FORD crashed while processing. Should an error occur while creating the documentation, the same procedure should be followed. If an error occurs elsewhere, you will most likely get a backtrace by default.

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