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jperl edited this page May 14, 2012 · 4 revisions

Task Board

The task board displays all of the Route Tasks from the specified date and prior based on task generation logic:

  • A RouteTask is generated and saved for each service for that day (that is not yet in Route) -FUTURE: Eventually the user will be able to define Route Task generation logic
  • Any RouteTasks from previous days that are in the Task Board will appear in the Task Board
    • They will be in the Task Board if they were never Routed or if they are assigned a status that requires them to be UnRouted
  • RouteTasks from previous days only include RouteTasks without a Route Destination and a Route
  • FUTURE Any RouteTasks from previous days that are not in Routes and not Cancelled or Completed will generate a Task
  • A Route Task from the past will not be copied or regenerated. The same Route Task from yesterday will also appear today if it was not routed

To cover a few scenarios that need to be addressed:

A) The Service/Template of the Route Task has been deleted

  • Delete all Route Tasks associated with the Service/Template

B) Service Date is changed on the Service

  • Move the Route Task to the new date and remove all stauses except completed
    • Disable if the Task has already been completed?
    • Prompt the user that the Service is linked to a RouteTask, that the Route Task will be deleted and that the Route Task will be moved to the Task Board on the new date

C) Information on the Service/Template is changed

  • If the Route Task is in a Route or is completed, ignore the changes
  • Else, propogate changes

D) DeleteRouteTask is not possible for past Routes (route tasks)

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