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Andrew edited this page Feb 7, 2019 · 8 revisions

There are various kinds of wands for various things. So far there's only a few wands, but their information is listed here. You'll need the permissions foxcore.command.wand and foxcore.command.state to use them, if you use a permissions plugin.

Table of Contents

  1. Position Wand
  2. Counter Wand

Position Wand

Position wands are used to mark positions. Right click to add, left click to remove.

To create a position wand use:

/fg wand position

They can be assigned colours, and the positions they select will be highlighted in their corresponding color. The default wand color is white.

Selecting positions using a number of different colored wands can provide a useful way to distinguish sets of positions in a longer list. These colours are also used with the FoxGuard client-side CUI, highlighting the same selections in semi-transparent 3D.

Wands can only remove positions of their own color.

To create a position wand with a custom colour, use the following command:

/fg wand position --color:<color>

where color is the name of any one of 9 bright colors. Use tab completion for the list.

Rainbow wands are a silly variant of colored wands that select positions using random colors. They can be used to remove positions of any color.

You can create a rainbow wand using:

/fg wand position --rainbow

Counter Wand

The counter wand just counts. This is a test item used to make sure custom item data is working correctly.

If you're feeling silly, make one with:

/fg wand counter

The wand will count up by one every time you right click with it. If it doesn't do that, it's probably that customdata broke.