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Releases: Fr3nchT0uch/AppleWin


25 Oct 22:36
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AppleWin v1.29.15v100FT

French Touch extended debugger v3

This release adds some experimental debug features to AppleWin.


AppleWin v1.29.15.0

This release includes all changes from this version.

  • [Change AppleWin#764] Fully support the RGB cards, and introduce a new 'Color (RGB Card/Monitor)' dedicated video mode.
    • [PR AppleWin#837] Support for 'Le Chat Mauve' Eve and Féline RGB cards.
    • [PR AppleWin#826] Support for Video7's SL7 RGB card.
    • New command line switch to select RGB card type: -rgb-card-type: apple (default), sl7, eve, feline
    • New command line switches for SL7: -rgb-card-foreground & -rgb-card-background
    • NB. The previous 'Color (RGB Monitor)' has now been renamed to 'Color (Composite Idealized)'.
  • [Change AppleWin#817] Request for key-accelerators for UI operations.
    • Ctrl+F3/F4 will show the Drive-1/Drive-2 pop-up menus. (Then use cursor up/down to pick a menu item.)
  • [Change AppleWin#691] Improved determining path & filename when saving/loading a save-state.
  • [Bug AppleWin#838] Improved support for accented ANSI chars in pathnames in save-states.
  • [Bug AppleWin#612] Support IRQ cycle-accuracy in full-speed (unthrottled) mode.
  • [Bug AppleWin#608] Fixed regression in Broadsides' Mockingboard detection (introduced at
  • Extended support for command line switches -d1,-d2,-s5d1,-s5d2,-h1,-h2 such that if the param is "", then it will eject/unplug the disk/harddisk.
  • Development PRs to improve code quality: AppleWin#840, AppleWin#842, AppleWin#843, AppleWin#847

FrenchTouch extended debugger

  • The layout can be switched to 1-pane (default), 3-panes or 4-panes split view used SHOW1, SHOW3 or SHOW4 commands


  • The default layout can be switched with the command line parameter -debug-split-view [1|3|4]
  • The \ or * commands now show the paused emulator output back again
  • Added documentation for the extended debugger's features in the help file

AppleWin new features (beta)

  • Added emulation of RGB videocards: Applecolor adapter, Video7 SL7, Le Chat Mauve Féline & Le Chat Mauve IIc adapter (see below)
  • New video mode configuration menu (see below)
  • Support for synchronous events (Mockingboard and Mousecard)
  • Some bugfixes and improvements

Known issues

When switching to the debugger, mousetext is disabled.

New video mode configuration menu

To reflect the new RGB videocard emulation, the video mode configuration menu has been changed:

  • Monochrome (Custom): No change
  • Color (Composite Idealized): Renders and "Idealized RGB" card that does not actually exist. It's a "clean" composite output, without NTSC color fringes, but with regular half-pixel rendering. Text shows as clear black and white. Supports only the regular composite modes - no mixed DHIRES, for instance. Previously was "Color (RGB Monitor)".
  • Color (RGB Card/Monitor): Emulates a real RGB videocard, based on the -rgb-card-type switch from the command line. The default emulated card is the Applecolor adapter card. The color output is very clean, there is no half-pixels and text is always sharp, which looks different from the composite output. Those cards may offer additional modes like mixed DHGR or color text and some also use different colors.
  • Color (Composite Monitor): Emulates an NTSC or PAL color composite output. Previously was "Color (NTSC monitor)". NTSC color fringes, and text is blurry when mixed with graphics, except in PAL (when 50Hz is selected).
  • Color TV: No change
  • B&W TV: No change
  • Monochrome modes: No change

RGB videocards support (beta)

Now Applewin emulates some RGB videocards for real! You can now use software that were designed for those cards.


Until now AppleWin supported only one mode of the extended RGB videocards, which was mixed DHIRES (560x192 B&W + 140x192 color), and was shown only with the old "Color (RGB Monitor)" mode. It has been removed from all composite or idealized composite emulation since it's a pure RGB mode. It's now available only in "Color (RGB Card/Monitor)" mode, and only if the selected card supports it.

HIRES and DHIRES rendering

The RGB cards render HIRES as a pure 280x192 mode without color fringe, but in a way that the color interference are recreated the closest possible to the composite output. Since there's no half-pixels, in some cases it looks like some graphics are a bit distorted.


Color DHIRES is rendered as a pure 140x192 color mode, while in composite the size of each color pixels depends on its color and its neighboring pixels. So RGB DHIRES appears "blocky".



Some cards use the same softswitches than rarely used composite modes, so in some cases it may result in corrupt graphics or strange behaviors.
One very precise example is the HIRES composite mode where color are shifted (AN3=0). This mode renders as B&W HIRES in many RGB cards, except the SL7 that renders it as F/B HGR, making a garbled color screen.


Apple Applecolor adapter

-rgb-card-type apple (default)

Supports the following modes:

  • All regular composite modes
  • HIRES B&W (280x192)
  • DHIRES modes: 140x192 16 colors, 560x192 B&W, Mixed mode, 160x192 16 colors

Video-7 SL7

-rgb-card-type sl7

Supports the following modes:

  • All regular composite modes
  • DHIRES modes: 140x192 16 colors, 560x192 B&W, Mixed mode, 160x192 16 colors
  • 40 column color text (called "F/B TEXT" in SL7's manual)


  • 16 colors HIRES (called "F/B HIRES" in SL7's manual)


In addition, a dipswitch setting allows to select the default text color in regular composite modes: -rgb-card-foreground [6|9|12|15]. Note that in any case, invert characters are displayed as white.


Le Chat Mauve Féline

-rgb-card-type feline

Note: Le Chat Mauve's RGB IIc adapter that was sold as an official Apple accessory is a compact Féline card.

Supports the following modes:

  • All regular composite modes
  • HIRES B&W (280x192)
  • DHIRES modes: 140x192 16 colors, 560x192 B&W, Mixed mode

The palette is slightly different from the usual 16 NTSC colors. For instance GREY1 and GREY2 are different.



18 Oct 14:31
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AppleWin v1.29.14.1FT

French Touch extended debugger v3

This release adds some experimental debug features to AppleWin.


FrenchTouch extended debugger

  • The layout can be switched to 1-pane (default), 3-panes or 4-panes split view used SHOW1, SHOW3 or SHOW4 commands
  • The default layout can be switched with the command line parameter -debug-split-view [1|3|4]
  • The \ or * commands now show the paused emulator output back again
  • Added documentation for the extended debugger's features in the help file

AppleWin new features (beta)

  • Added emulation of RGB videocards: Applecolor adapter, Video7 SL7, Le Chat Mauve Féline & Le Chat Mauve IIc adapter
  • New video mode configuration menu (see below)
  • Support for synchronous events (Mockingboard and Mousecard)
  • Some bugfixes and improvements

Known issues

In some cases, the AN3 switch stops working when the user changes the video mode in the configuration panel while the debugger is displayed.


19 Aug 22:42
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AppleWin v1.29.14.0 + French Touch extended debugger v2

This release adds some experimental debug features to AppleWin.

Bugfix in FT debugger:

  • The extended graphic viewports now should switch to the correct video modes

Changes in AppleWin

  • [Change AppleWin#822] Updated Uthernet card support to use Npcap for Win10.
  • [Change AppleWin#806] Added support for 'Base 64A' - a Taiwanese Apple II clone.
  • [Change AppleWin#763] Support for PAL(50Hz) killing color-burst during TEXT video mode.
    When 50Hz, then AppleWin's window title changes to "Color (PAL Monitor)" instead of "Color (NTSC Monitor)"
  • [Change AppleWin#781] Loading a large save-state takes some time - added a busy indicator.
  • [Change AppleWin#139] NIB disk image: added warning if any track's first D5-nibble triple isn't an address prologue.
  • [Bug AppleWin#824] Fixed a regression in multi-zip support (introduced at
  • [Bug AppleWin#820] Fixed a GDI Object leak (occurring when accessing the Disk II with AppleWin minimised).
  • [Bug AppleWin#813] Mockingboard playback looping after entering debugger then configuration.
  • [Bug AppleWin#809] Fixed a memory leak.
  • [Bug AppleWin#801] Wrong timing with LSR abs,X / ROR abs,X / ROL abs,X for the 6502 CPU.
  • [Bug AppleWin#796] Fix for 'IRQ occurring on last cycle of opcode' not always true.
  • [Bug AppleWin#751] No-Slot Clock running and power-cycle can causes lock-up on power-cycle.
    NSC state persisted to save-state.
    added a new switch '-no-nsc' to configure Apple II without an NSC.
  • [Bug AppleWin#663, AppleWin#691] Fixes for image loading switches (-d1,-d2,-h1,-h2,-s5d1,-s5d2):
    support relative paths (AppleWin#663).
    updated the current directory with the path for each loaded image (AppleWin#663) & when saving state (AppleWin#691).
    added a new switch '-current-dir ' to guarantee the current dir after using image loading switches.
  • [Bug AppleWin#52] Fixed the 6502/65C02 false-read of 6522 issue for Willy Byte!
  • [PR AppleWin#800] Improved debugger's rendering speed for PrintGlyph().


11 Jul 23:07
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AppleWin v1.29.13.0 + French Touch extended debugger v2

This release adds some experimental debug features to AppleWin.

See the debugger in action here:

New in this release:

  • The debugger now uses a four-split view. It is currently not user-configurable.
  • Emulator output + Debugger console + Memory Heatmap + Graphic page monitoring
  • Use new debugger commands to change the graphic page monitoring.
  • The heamap now shows only the MAIN memory bank when emulating an Apple II or Apple II+.

New/changed debugger commands:
Type the name of the graphic mode or graphic page you want to watch in order to display it in the right-bottom monitor. For instance:

  • HGR1 will display HGR page 1
  • HGR2 will display HGR page 2
  • HGR will display the currently selected HGR page
  • HGRX will display the currently disabled (or non-selected) HGR page, which is useful to debug software that use double-buffering.
  • Possible graphic modes are: TEXT, TEXT40, TEXT80, GR, DGR, HGR, DHGR.
  • Note that to force pages on text modes, the syntax is a bit different, for instance TEXT41 and TEXT42. This comes from the regular AppleWin's debugger commands.

Internal changes:

  • The emulator video renderer has been entirely moved into C++ classes.

Known bugs/issues:

  • When changing the emulated video mode in AppleWin's configuration, the emulator display can become messed up.
  • The heatmap has some issues showing data in the range $D000-$DFFF
  • The heatmap only shows MAIN/AUX banks. No additional memory card, no ROM, no I/O monitoring. Banks at $D000 are displayed at $C000 (bank1) and $D000 (bank2)
  • If the debugger window is reduced (x1 scale), the emulator output will not display half the pixels, which can make some graphic objects disappear in monochrome.

v1.29.13.0 French Touch

23 Jun 22:10
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AppleWin v1.29.13.0 + French Touch extended debugger

This release adds some experimental debug features to AppleWin.

  • When entering the debugger, the main window is resized in order to host additional monitoring
  • Emulator output is visible when debugging
  • Realtime memory heatmap when debugging, including bank switching and video page monitoring (blue=R, red=W, green=execute, white=displayed video pages).

New debugger commands:

  • G follows the PC in realtime
  • GD is G with no PC follow
  • GC refreshes the emulator output after each opcode. The output follows the CRT beam emulation.
  • xxxxD switches to hex data view (shortcut to "D xxxx")

F7 still start/stops the debugger.

Known bugs/issues:

  • The heatmap only shows MAIN/AUX banks. No additional memory card, no ROM, no I/O monitoring. Banks at $D000 are displayed at $C000 (bank1) and $D000 (bank2)
  • If the debugger window is reduced (x1 scale), the emulator output will not display half the pixels, which can make some graphic objects disappear in monochrome.

Some of those experimental features are planned to be merged back into the main release of AppleWin.