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What have you been watching ?

FreakTags is a simple media-tracker for you to keep up with all your favorite shows.


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Code Climate Test Coverage


  • Triage
  • Contributor Guide - Coming soon

Let's run it

Preparing environment

  • Install rvm, Ruby(2.2), Rails(4.2), PostgreSQL
  • Get inside the project folder and run:
    • bundle
    • rake db:create db:migrate db:seed

Problems? see our


Now that everything is set, lets start the server:

  • rails s
  • Open http://localhost:3000 on your favorite browser and see the magic


In order to create non-hard-coded use of params we use environment variables to manage several stuff, if you need to setup a server or test a specific feature please remember to set the .env file.

Check out the environment params you can set:

  • RAILS_ENV - Rails environment. Ex.:development, test, beta, production.
  • CODECLIMATE_REPO_TOKEN - Code Climate token.
  • FT_LOCALE - Locale to language and currencies. Currently support: en, pt-BR.
  • FT_NEWRELIC_KEY - NewRelic API Key to monitor the app.
  • FT_DEVISE_SECRET - Devise unique secret to generate secure tokens.
  • FT_HOST - Server host domain or ip address.
  • FT_MAIL_SENDER - Default address to send email from. Ex.:
  • FT_MAIL_SERVER - Default mail server. Ex.:
  • FT_MAIL_PORT - Default mail port. Ex.: 587
  • FT_MAIL_TTLS - Use TTLS. Ex.: true, false
  • FT_MAIL_USERNAME - Default mail username. Ex.:
  • FT_MAIL_PASSWORD - Default mail password. Ex.: my$ecureP4$$w0rd
  • FT_MAIL_AUTH - Default mail authentication style. Ex.: text, login
  • FT_MAIL_DOMAIN - Default mail domain. Ex.:,
  • FT_DATABSE_URL - Database URL to connect with your DB.
  • FT_GA_ID - Google Analytics Tracking ID.

Open source stack

  • Core - App's main base

    • Ruby - A dynamic, open source and elegant syntax programming language
      • rvm - Ruby version manager
    • Rails - an Open-source web framework optimized for programmer happiness and sustainable productivity
    • PostgreSQL - A powerful, open source object-relational database system.
    • Server
      • Puma - A modern, concurrent ruby web server
      • Sidekiq - Simple, efficient background processing for Ruby
  • Authentication

    • Devise - Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden
  • Authorizatoin

  • Social

    • PublicActivity - Easy activity tracking for models - similar to Github's Public Activity.
    • ActsAsFollower - A Gem to add Follow functionality for models
  • Tests

    • Rspec - RSpec meta-gem that depends on the other components
    • Faker - A library for generating fake data such as names, addresses, and phone numbers
    • FactoryGirl - A library for setting up Ruby objects as test data
    • Capybara - Headless WebKit so you can test Javascript web apps
    • Shoulda - Makes tests easy on the fingers and the eyes
    • Poltergeist - PhantomJS driver for Capybara
    • PhantonJS - A headless WebKit scriptable with a JavaScript API
    • CodeClimate - Awesome test coverage tool
  • Development

    • Bullet - Monitoring N+1 queries and unused eager loading
    • Letter Opener - Preview mail in the browser instead of sending
    • dotenv - Loads environment variables from .env
  • Assets

    • Rails Assets - Best solution to assets management in Rails
  • Deployment

  • Monitoring

    • NewRelic - Really awesome app monitoring system