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In the Modules folder you'll find my modules.

The MyTools module :

Contains some handy cmdLets that I think should be included by default.

  • Get-Size : itterate through a directory and return the total size (in bytes).
  • Convert-Size : converts a size from one unit to another. E.g. x KiB (kibibytes) -> y MB (megabytes)
  • Get-SizeConverted : Combination of the 2 above. Supports the -ShowOnlyRelevant switch, to automatically pick the most meaningful unit for that specific size.
  • Update-File : the PowerShell equivalent of the unix touch command.
  • Suspend-Computer and Hibernate-Computer : suspend / hibernate the local machine.
  • Get-ConfirmImpact : displays the value of the ConfirmImpact property of the cmdLet binding metadata attribute.
  • Get-MyPublicIP : Returns your publicly visible ip address.

See the cmdLet specific Get-Help pages for detailed info. (or the unit tests as well)