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Setting up item usages

FreemanMakesGames edited this page Aug 31, 2020 · 12 revisions

Item usages are set up in the item core, and accessed in the inventory menu during game. So open the item core blueprint of an item, and you'll see a property named "Item Usages". It's an FString array, and by default it has "Drop" and "Destroy". When an item is selected in the inventory menu, a series of buttons will be displayed, each named after a distinct item usage.

The important thing is that an item usage needs to be handled. Recall that a character has to implement the IFMGInvSysInventoryOwner interface. That interface requires an ApplyItemUsage method. So let's take a look at AFMGInvSysCharacter::ApplyItemUsage for some reference, and you'll see an if-statement handling different item usages with different methods. Selecting an item in the inventory menu, and clicking an item usage button, will end up with a call to one of those handler methods. If you are using your own character, item usage handling should be similar.

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