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Runespoor Python 3D Game Engine

A python 3D game engine written in c++ using SDL, Assimp, OpenGL(GLAD), and GLM.


Runespoor is a flexible, straight forward, multi-paradigm game engine that is built from the ground up with developer experience in mind. Utilizing a game loop system similar to pygame, you are able to abstract elements of your game away from the game loop as much as you'd like.

For a taste of the api check out the test file:

import time
from renderer import Vec3, Camera, Mesh, Object, Window, EVENT_FLAG,\
    Material, Shader, ShaderType, EVENT_STATE
import math

# The meshes used in this testfile are not provided with the library or source files.

dim = (1280, 720)
focal_length = 10000

camera = Camera(Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0), Vec3(0.0,0.0,0.0), *dim, focal_length, math.radians(60))
window = Window("FBX Car Test", camera, *dim, False)

# Materials are equivalent to shader programs.
default_material = Material(
    Shader.from_file("./default_vertex.glsl", ShaderType.VERTEX),
    Shader.from_file("./default_fragment.glsl", ShaderType.FRAGMENT)

default_material.set_uniform("focal_length", focal_length, "i")
# "i" means the uniform is an integer type

car_meshes = Mesh.from_file("./meshes/fbx_car/svj_PACKED.fbx")

car = Object(car_meshes,
    Vec3(0.0,-100.0,500), Vec3(0,0,0), Vec3(1,1,1), material=default_material)

car2 = Object(car_meshes,
    Vec3(300,0,500), Vec3(10,3.57,23.2), material=default_material)

teapot = Object(Mesh.from_file("./meshes/teapot/teapot.obj"),
    Vec3(-100,0,200), Vec3(10,3.57,23.2), material=default_material)

pirate_ship = Object(Mesh.from_file("./meshes/pirate_ship/pirate_ship.obj"),
    Vec3(-100,-100,300), Vec3(0,10,0), material=default_material)

render_list = [


vel_yaw = 0.0
vel = 0.0
frict = 0.1
accel = 5
cam_dist = 300.0
magic_turn_dampener = 4
mouse_sensitivity = 10
counter = 0.0
while not window.event.check_flag(EVENT_FLAG.QUIT) and window.event.get_flag(EVENT_FLAG.KEY_ESCAPE) != EVENT_STATE.PRESSED:
    # Use WASD keys.
    if window.event.get_flag(EVENT_FLAG.KEY_d) == EVENT_STATE.PRESSED:
        # ROTATE RIGHT
        vel_yaw -= 0.3
    if window.event.get_flag(EVENT_FLAG.KEY_a) == EVENT_STATE.PRESSED:
        # ROTATE LEFT
        vel_yaw += 0.3
    if window.event.get_flag(EVENT_FLAG.KEY_s) == EVENT_STATE.PRESSED:
        # BACKWARDS
        vel -= accel
    if window.event.get_flag(EVENT_FLAG.KEY_w) == EVENT_STATE.PRESSED:
        # FORWARD
        vel += accel

    teapot.rotation += math.radians(counter) * window.dt
    # Clamp and rotate, then apply friction.
    vel_yaw = min(max(vel_yaw, -100), 100) if abs(vel_yaw) > frict else 0
    car.rotation.y += vel_yaw/magic_turn_dampener * window.dt
    vel_yaw -= math.copysign(frict, vel_yaw)
    # Clamp the velocity.
    vel = min(max(vel, -1000), 1000) if abs(vel) > frict else 0
    # Move the car forwards with its forwards vector with a magnitude of `vel` and apply friction
    car.position += -car.rotation.forward * vel * window.dt # window.dt is deltatime
    vel -= math.copysign(frict, vel)
    # Rotate the camera
    if window.event.check_flag(EVENT_FLAG.MOUSE_MOTION):
        camera.rotation.y += math.radians(window.event.mouse.rel_x * mouse_sensitivity * window.dt)

        camera.rotation.x -= math.radians(window.event.mouse.rel_y * mouse_sensitivity * window.dt)
    # zoom in and out
    if window.event.check_flag(EVENT_FLAG.MOUSE_WHEEL):
        cam_dist -= window.event.mouse.wheel.y * 10

    # Position the camera behind the car based on its forward vector
    camera.position = car.position - (camera.rotation.forward * cam_dist)

    # Attract camera to car direction:
    camera.rotation.y += vel_yaw/magic_turn_dampener * window.dt

    # Re-render the scene.
    # This also refreshes window.current_event.
    counter += 0.5

Then when we run it, it looks something like this:


  • Figure out better solution for multimesh assimp imports. (Current solution groups all meshes from the scene in a python list.)

  • Add from_raw constructor to mesh to make procedural meshes possible.

  • Make render list managed by Window object.

  • Add Sprite object and Object2D object for 2D games/HUD.

  • Add Quaternions.

  • Add window/fullscreen scaling.

  • Add Matrix datastructures for GLM.

Future Plans:

  • Switch to Vulkan.


A game engine made with developer experience in mind.







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